3 Musketeers

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Onika's POV
March 14(6:45pm)

I was sitting on the couch watching TV when the door bell rung I paused my show and got up opening the door there was three women standing outside and they all turned their heads when I opened the door. "Ms.Jackson?" I asked when I recognized her face "Hey Onika, May we come in?" She asked I didn't know what to say so I slightly moved letting them in and seeing if Lotus was out of her room. "May I ask why you're here?" I said after they sat down on my other couch.

"Well it's about Bey, how have you been without her?" She asked while one of them got up looked around and the other held a straight face staying seated next to Ms.Jackson "I-I have been...good." I said taken back by her question "Why are you lying?" The one said looking around "You should be honest... where's the little one." She asked "Excuse me?" "The little one, she can see the things I see but she's more powerful than we all think." She continued "The Hell do you think you are coming in here and asking for my daughter yo-" "Onika I'm sorry I didn't introduce them, this is Angela Bassett and that is Erykah Badu" She said directing her hands to the women.

"We came to talk to you about Lotus... and Beyoncé" Angela said moving some on the couch "How do yo-" "You didn't think just because she was dead that the supernatural world would leave you without keeping an eye on you did you?" Erykah said going into the kitchen and looking at the bowls for the wolf I scrunched up my face in confusion "Why a-" "Where's the wolf?" She asked standing up straight "I-I" "Don't lie" She added "I-I think it's upstairs" I spoke. "Wolfie!" She called taking me back "Ho-" "She's just like your daughter except your daughter doesn't know her powers" Ms.Jackson said.

The wolf came down slowly looking at the women and growling some "It's okay, I know you." Erykah said and walked up to the wolf it was still growling until she cornered it and it started whimpering. The lady grabbed the wolf's face and looked it in the eye "You want it to leave" she said "Y-Yea I did, well do bu-" she shh'd me then stared at the wolf "It'll leave soon" she said moving away from it. The wolf just sat there as if it was stuck on in a daze. "Wha-" "Onika please sit down, we need to talk" Ms.Jackson said "You're daughter is a very special case." "What do you mean special? How special?" "As in this has never happened before, there something you don't know about her."

"She my fucking child how would I not know something about her?!" I exclaimed "She's not really yours" Erykah said making me scrunch up my face "THE FU-" "Lower your voice she's upstairs now listen... there are thing you don't know about that have happened these last couple of years. You're going to sit here and listen to everything we say, do you understand?" Angela said "Do you?!" "Yes" I spoke "Good... now do you remember all those doctors you went to about your eggs and things?" I nodded "They were right, you couldn't have kids even after all your procedures, until your last one. Doctors didn't actually preform it we did. And those aren't your eggs inside of you they're Beyoncé's" she said.

I had my mouth hanging open, they have to be lying... shit doesn't work like that Bey was dead. She been dead "No, they aren't she's fucking dead. I watched her die she dead! You bitches are fucking evil saying this bullshit?!" I semi yelled standing up "Sit down and listen" she said with red eyes "The fuck are you?!" "A vampire that can fuck you up so sit the fuck down." She said I did as I was told not wanting to believe this. "Those are her eggs, and that is her child. We didn't want her to leave this world without something to continued her legacy so we used you since you were going through. But we didn't know Meek would do that.." she finished. "That's Beyoncé's child that's why they're so much alike, you continue to push it I. The back of your mind because you don't want to believe it and want nothing to do with her anymore but you know you can't forget her." Erykah said and I just looked at Janet but she had her head down some and looking around the house.

"Who all knew about this shit?!" I spoke "Only us" She said looking at me "This was all inside, we couldn't trust anyone" "So y'all are the ones that stole her body? You know how much pain you brought in everyone?!" "Would you rather have Meek have it and send her beheaded body back to her family for a good laugh?" Angela spoke "You were in the wrong side for so long, and you think we're the bad guys but we're helping you little do you know" Erykah spoke "Ooo the little one is coming" she smiled and Lotus came down the stairs "Mommy Where's wolfie?" She asked rubbing her eye before seeing it in the corner and running to it. "Why is she like this? She's not thinking." She said looking back at me with her purple eyes.

"Hi sweetie" Erykah called with green eyes "Hi" Lotus smiled "Do you know what happened to wolfie? Mommy doesn't really like her." My mouth hung open trying to figure out what to say "She's still there she's just healing" she spoke nodding to Lotus "Can you come here for a second?" Angela asked and Lotus made her way over "Lotus Stop" I spoke lightly grabbing her hand "She knows Honey Bee" Lotus said looking at me with her big purple eyes before going over to her. She picked up Lotus and put her in her lap while I sat there shocked and confused out of my mind. I looked at the wolf seeing it was still sitting there trying to move but it struggled.

When it stood it slowly began to fall and just lay there. "You're such a pretty girl." She said messing with Lotus nose tapping it making her giggle. I wanted to cry, I wanted to cry so bad I can't just take that in and be okay with it. "You're a very special girl okay? And one day you're going to change the world, it's your choice of if it's good or bad though okay?" She spoke looking Lotus in the eye and the other two just looked at her smiling, my daughter nodded "Yes ma'am" "Lotus go back up to your room please, take wolfie with you" "Leave wolfie, shes going to stay downstairs with us." Lotus went upstairs after rubbing the wolf some whispering something to it. "You all have to leave" I said when I knew she was gone.

"We'll go but we're going to comeback, you need us and that wolf whether you like it or not you'll see." Angels said "How do you know Bey?" I asked out of nowhere when they got up she abruptly stopped and turned looking at me "I was there when they sentenced her to her death, in apart of the counsel that made the decision" "You son of a bitch I sh-" "Stop, it's not going to solve anything and I couldn't stop as much as I tried to." "You sat there and watched them and you didn't even try to help her" "I did what I could in that moment, you don't understand how much it hurt me to let that happen to her. I don't even have to explain myself to you, you aren't her and you don't even really want her back now that you have that lil lightskin boy huh?" She said before walking to the door.

"We'll come back another time Onika, be safe." Ms. Jackson said and the last one rubbed wolfie as it just laid there basically paralyzed. I locked the door when all of them were out. Why? I pressed my head against the door and quietly started crying. Why did this happen to me?

And here is a VERY important chapter. More backstory and y'all may be mad but I'm chillin😊

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