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Onika's POV

September 4(12:53pm)


I haven't seen her since she left my house. She either comes to school and comes at the end of class or doesn't come at all. I miss her and I know I messed up tremendously but I didn't want to end things with him, I wanted my cake and eat too and I did for a quick second but now I can't do it anymore. Being with Meek after she cut me off made me really regret my decision, he doesn't support me and I know he didn't before but I just pushed it to the back of my mind so I wouldn't have to believe it.

Walking to sit down at my normal spot at lunch I see Chris and Dave the two brothers she normally sits with eating. I walked up to their table "Where is she." I deadpanned "who?" Chris asked acting stupid "You know exactly who I'm talking about so where the hell is she?" I demanded. "We aren't allowed to say that but she did say to leave her alone." Dave said "what do you mean 'leave her alone'?" "She doesn't want to speak with you anymore. You really hurt her." He said looking me in the eye angry. "No I-I don't believe you." I said she wouldn't say that "But she did and your the reason why she doesn't even come to school anymore,, because you put her in more danger than before so thank you for destroying such a genuine person all because you wanted to eat more than you can chew." He said with venom dripping from his tone. They both threw away their food and left me standing there embarrassed and disgusted with myself.



I was walking outside from Meek's house back home, It was pretty dark so I couldn't really see everything, some of the sidewalk was blocked pff so I had to go through the woods and as I was walking I heard a growl. I stopped walking then a wolf with grey fur came out in front of me growling. I was took a few steps back as it moved closer, This mf bout bigger than me. I stop moving since there wasn't anywhere to go and it was already about to jump on me until a light brown and blonde like wolf bigger than the grey one rammed into it.

Sending the grey one flying and hitting a tree whimpering I stood there shocked, the light brown wolf turned and looked at me with one hazel eye and the other gold. How did it get like that? I just stared at it as it did the same to me til a dark brown wolf jumped on it biting and scratching at it. They fought and the grey wolf joined int helping the darker one. It was nothing I could do up to when I saw a branch on the ground and started hitting the two dark wolves with it. They finally let go of the one they were jumping and ran off, I looked at the one laying on the ground somewhat motionless.

It tried getting up but cried out in pain, it laid there until it started to get it's energy back. I slowly walked to it wanting to help put it just looked at me, I reached for it but it backed away and limped off some. I followed behind it cautiously not wanting it to figure out and at a while we made it to a house, I don't know why I'm doing this. It went the the backyard where there was a open door, Why would someone leave that open? I walked inn after it hiding behind one of the walls "Oh my God, baby what happened?" I heard making me peak around the corner seeing a older woman on her knees in front of the wolf. It began to change, What the fuck. It was her. My Honey bee, But how?

She looked horrible, she was bloody and covered in mud "Come out." she said "Baby what are you talking about?" the women said "Come out now Onika." she demanded in her deep voice. I slowly came from around the corner "That's the girl? This is the girl that's been making you go through all this shit?" the unknown women spoke looking at me with eyes full of hatred. "What are you doing here." She spoke with her back turned to me I stayed silent "I SAID WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" she yelled making me jump some, turning around looking at me with more hate than the other woman. "I-I didn't know it was you I j-ju-"she interrupted me "Leave now." she said darkly "W-what?" "Leave Onika." she said in the same voice "No, I want to talk to you please just let me apologize and explia-" "NO you will NOT. You are the reason my daughter has almost died on multiple accusations!" her mother said with her eyes turning orange, What is this? "It's none of your business now leave!" she said looking at me How did she know what I was thinking? "No." I said walking up to her looking her in the eye even though I was scared shitless.

We had a stared off up to the front door opening "Ma you won't believe what Wale di-" her sister stopped talking when she saw what was going on. "Can y'all leave us to talk please." Honey bee spoke still looking me in the eye she was more intimidating with two different color eyes. "No I will no-" her mother started but her sister cut in "Yes we will mama let's go get some food." she looked her sister up side the head for a while until she finally exited out the house with their mother. When they did so she trapped me in a near corner "The fuck do you want." she spoke with so much frustration and anger "I-I been l-looking for y-you." I spoke quietly losing what little confidence I had, she growled with her face on the side of mine making me feel her breath. Is it sad I still crave her hands all over me? She smiled and chuckled darkly "It really is."

"You need to leave now." she said "No I want the truth and I want to apologize to you." I said looking at her damaged body "Let me help you, I know it's worse than it look's." I spoke shyly trying to reason with her some, she stood for a minute thinking about it "Fine" she said walking "The med kit is upstairs." she said with no emotion like she has since she started speaking to me I slowly made my way up there after closing the back door. This girl is truly a mystery...


Short chapter but more to come, she found some of it out. I am really sleepy sorry this came out late I haven't been home all day but yea I'm thinking of making a sequel to this if you guys are up for it not immediately because we aren't down with this yet but I mean there might be one.


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