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Beyoncé's POV
April 18(3:45am)

I heard something scratching at the door while Nika and I slept, "The Hell?" I spoke to myself as I got up pulling down my shorts that was in my ass and my shirt that Nika's hands were under cupping my breast and ass. She stay trying to get some... as I got up she started moving "Bey get back in bed" "Hold on baby" I replied to her groggy sentence, I moved towards the door hearing whimpering and softer scratching. I opened it to see a little black thing on the carpet, I couldn't really see it because for one I'm half sleep and it's pitch black in the house.

"Wha-"it looked up and had purple eyes "Lotus" I softly said as a smile grew on my face she came to my leg and started whimpering again. My eyes turned as she did, she was so scared and lost which every wolf is when they first turn. I got down on her level and smiled some but she never did the same 'Whats wrong stink?' 'I don't know' she sent so I bit the inside of my lip before going to the restroom. I came back out as a wolf so she could see there was nothing wrong with it, when she saw me she got up and tried running to me but she fell.

I sat down and watched her struggle to get up and I laughed to myself as she did because she still wasn't doing it right, she pouted and looked at me making me realize I was making her feel even worse so I picked her up with my mouth and sat her down to where she wouldn't fall. 'I don't like it' she sent and tilted my head to the side 'Why? I thought you liked wolfie' 'I do!' She sent with a now open mouth tongue slightly out and her ears up at attention 'But I like it when you do it' she sent.

I heard Nika moving in bed making my ear twitch some before I got an idea I stood up on all fours and saw Lotus was still substantially shorter 'whoa' she sent. I walked to Onika's side of the bed and rubbed my head against her neck and chest then her hand telling her I'd be back which she just said okay to rubbing my head, I picked up Lo with my mouth and went downstairs. 'Momma where are we going?, What about Mommy?' She asked. I just kept walking til I made it to the back door and put her down, I unlocked it with my mouth knowing the alarm wouldn't go off.

I picked her up yet again and walked out with the door closing behind me, 'What do you want to do Stink?' I sent and she didn't do anything 'There's nothing to do!' She cried and I internally shook my head. 'Let's go for a run' I put her down and let her climb on my back before I made my way out of the backyard. I decided on doing my normal trail just barely going into the woods, I started off with a slow jog that eased into a run. All I could heard was her laughing and making playful noises while I kept going avoiding anything dangerous, 'Wolfie!' She exclaimed making me smile inside 'Hold on' I sent since I had to jump over a large creek.

She braced herself by getting a grip on my fur and kind of hiding her head behind mine, I started to speed up and prepare for it 'Don't close your eyes'.I got closer and she whimpered so I made it quick jumping earlier than normal, you could see the clear water under us and the pebbles at the bottom shine from the moon as the water ran between the larger rocks. 'Whoa' She said to herself as she looked, I landed back down and stopped for her to get a better look at it all 'Do you want to touch it?' She let go of my fur so I kneeled for her to get down. When she did she actually rolled off of my back landing on the ground with a thud that made her pout 'Baby, Are you okay?' I asked standing over her since she landed on her back.

I sniffed all over her making sure she didn't hurt anything and when I did she started laughing feeling my nose against her 'You can't scare me like that Stink, mommy would have killed me." I sent and she just pawed at my face with her tongue out I licked her face and she laughed even more 'Eww, Momma!' 'Come on you need to learn how to walk' I laughed then picked her up standing her on all fours. She struggled to stand still due to having wobbly legs, 'Watch me first' I slowly took a few steps then turned around to her 'Now you try it' she tilted her head with a scariness in her eye 'It's okay, I'll always pick you up if you fall' I sent rubbing my nose against the side of her head some.

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