Make It Make Sense

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Onika's POV
Same day

"The Hell are you doing here?" Miss Tina spoke aggressively "I need to see we'll speak to your daughter, we all do.." Angela said "No, get out you lost my respect long ago." "Tina please" "What for Hmm? So you can lie again? Like you do with everything else" Miss Tina spat making me open my eyes, "Onika I need to speak with her can you please get her." Angela begged "She's in bed asleep.." "How long has she been sleep?!" She asked "About an hour almost two" "You need to wake her up" "I can't" I spoke moving my hands with a slightly confused face.

How would she know about Bey's dreams, "The fuck did you do to her?" I asked snarling some getting angry at them "Onika, please you don't want to get angry you're the only one that can help right now" Janet said "What happened to her?" I demanded "She's awake" Erykah whispered getting everyone's attention "Explain!" "She did die.." "Then explain to me how she's alive right now?" "We brought her back, but the-"But What? Just say it" "She doesn't have a heart, We saw that it was cut out when we stole her body..." "She's coming" everyone stopped hearing my room door open, Lotus ran done first coming to me so I could pick her up.

Then we heard the base of Bey's steps, when she came into Brie she had on some nike shoes with black fleece joggers and a long sleeve sweater I was about to speak but Lotus stopped me "No don't" she said with her hand over my mouth as she sat up. "Where is it" her voice boomed through the silence adding more tension to the air, her eyes were gold with pitch black pupils. "Bey pl-"Don't Onika, now where is my heart" she said "Meek has it..." Bey didn't waste time going towards the front door but I blocked it standing against it. "Move Onika" She said, I put Lotus down and she went into the living room "Bey don't do this, just think about it please." "Move" she growled "Look at me and say that shit" I voiced since she was looking past me she turned her head in the opposite direction of me and I moved to her view she moved again and I repeated my actions.

"Come on say that shit to my face" I spoke turning her head to me by her jaw she lowly growled and breathed through her nose. I knew she wouldn't just as I knew she wouldn't lay a hand on me either, "Now calm down and think about this before you do anything, just sit in there and listen to what they have to say babe. I know you're mad I am too but let's play this smart." I voice quietly she moved towards me and hugged my waist "I'm gonna kill him, all of them so don't stand in my way when I do.." she said next to my ear "Bey" "Shhh... you can't change what's bound to happen" she said then kissed my cheek as I held a slightly taken back and shocked face.

Bey walked back into the living room I swallowed some looking down before following behind, she was sitting on the couch and I slowly sat down next to her looking and seeing her eyes were slowly going back to their comforting hazel. "We tried to get it once but it was unobtainable, he keeps it with him... the thing about this is that there is a way he can kill her or at least hurt her significantly" Janet said as Angela got eyes down by Tina, Solange was drinking my Circo while Lotus came to sit in my lap. I helped her up and when she was in my lap her eyes were purple and she had a saddened face "Momma" she said and Bey looked at her with a softened face "Yes baby" she said softly like we didn't just have that little scene.

"You okay?" Lotus asked and I made a confused face "Yes baby why do you ask?" Bey said smiling some grabbing Lotus "She doesn't know" Erykah spoke "What do you mean?" I asked turning my attention from the scene to her "Do you remember when y'all were in high school and she wasn't herself sometimes, that's what this is... Her hybrid has changed just as she has over time it's grown stronger and it can control her at moments. Like just now the hybrid needs the heart to survive and keep control of itself." She explain and I looked at Bey and Lotus who still had purple eyes "Bey?" I asked

She turned her head in my direction "Yeah?" She asked with a smile "Whats the last thing you remember?" I asked out of curiosity "Us going to sleep do you not?" She spoke "It's getting stronger" Erykah whispered "This is what I was talking about, you did this magic on my child as if there aren't repercussions to them?! And you wonder why I stopped speaking to you, you always bring chaos with you!" Tins expressed with her hands and standing up some "What are you getting at Tina?" I asked "Anytime Angela-"Tina that's not tru-"She has always done something to ruin something or someone!" Angels lowered her head before looking back at Tina "That's not true!" "Then explain why you've done what you've done to me huh? Explain it!" "Lotus go to your room" I spoke getting her out of Bey's lap.

She did as told slowly going up the stairs to not fall, when I heard her door close I looked back at everyone "What happened between the two of you?" I asked "They dated" Erykah spoke looking out the window "Mama! You gay?!" Solange asked while Bey just sat there shocked. "I'm not gay, I was trying something different. She was the only female I found attractive then" Tina said "You turned my mama out?!" Solange continued putting her drink down on the coffee table in front of her and looking at Angela, "Is that why you were okay with me being gay?" Bey spoke quietly "Yes, I was going to have to be you're my daughter. I would never try and tell you anything about yourself, you know you so I trusted your deck." Tina spoke sincerely sitting next to Bey taking her hand into hers.

"So You was doing what Bey was doing? Damn I ain't expect this shit..." Solange said before drinking the liquor while she did so Tina chopped her in the throat making her choke and spit her drink some "MAMA?!" She said choking while Bey laughed "Now ya ass see how I feel" she laughed but I was still on how we would get her heart back "Can we finish this another day?" I asked seeing this is already too much "Yes I'll contact you just don't let her get to angry or rallied up." Janet spoke "No I have a question" Beyoncé said "How come I couldn't bring out my hybrid before I was killed" she said with the gold slowly slipping into her eyes.

I know she's been waiting to get answers as to why and she knows they are the only ones who can answer "The council, they put a spell on you... When you were in front of us for the meeting they had a witch to limit your powers so that you wouldn't live to see the next day." "You sons of bitches" Bey growled standing her eyes were their pure gold and the veins around her eyes began to show as black "Bey you need to calm down" I stood in front of her holding her arms as they balled into tight fist, her tattoos began to come back with some getting darker than others. Her whole mood changed unevenly and she saw the changes on her "Let me go" she said trying to get out of my hold "Why? I'm not gonna le-"Just let me go, don't touch me." She said hurrying to remove my hands Tina looked at her confused while Solange caught on to it.

"Nika let her go" "Bu-"Do it" she said in all seriousness, I did as told and Bey left out of the house quickly "She's going through a normal hybrid thing, she just needs to go for a minute." Angela spoke "Of course you'd know..." Tina said I just looked at them before listening to the engine of Bey's car fade out. What have they done to my Honey Bee?...


I was falling asleep since it was almost twelve am, I was stressing about Bey and used work to hold me over which it did until I ran out of work to do so I went to spend time with Lotus but her bedtime was close and she was sleepy. Tina and Solange were good too but they went to sleep since tomorrow or the day after is their last. I heard my room door open and close as my back faced it, then I saw Beyoncé's shadow getting things to shower with before going into my bathroom. After 25 minutes she came out in a large long sleeve and got in bed moving to hold me but I acted as if I was sleep even though we both knew I wasn't.

"If you had touched them you would see what why they have any significant to me, I know you're mad I left and didn't say anything but I really needed to leave. God today was just horrible... I'm sorry for how I acted earlier when I was trying to leave. I barely remembered when I left but either way I shouldn't have threatened you or made it seem as if I was attempting to. I'm sorry for what I've done today but I know I won't be sorry for killing them." She said and kissed my head as I finally let her hold me "I forgive you, we all have our personal problems we don't want to discuss but do remember just because you got supernatural powers and shut don't mean I won't fuck you up." I said looking at her before smiling and kissing her barely opened lips "Yes baby, I know" she smiled. And let the hunt began..

Sorry for the late updates but I've been working so yea anyways the other is almost done and tomorrow will be Neu Roses as normal

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