Two Lies And A Truth

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Onika's POV

September 5 (9:15am)


It's like we never met, after we got to school she left me. I mean I know we weren't really going to talk anyways but I didn't think she would completely ignore my existence. When I got up this morning I couldn't feel my legs, She worked my shit and that was just her tongue. We're in Mr.Washington's class and he's doing a presentation but I could careless, I keep looking back at her to see she has her feet on the desk with her upper body relaxed in her seat and a hat over half her face, 'Stop looking at me' she sent I quickly turned my head and blushed behind my hair that covered my face 'Can you talk to me again, please' I thought wondering if she would get it after a few minutes I gave up 'There's nothing left to say' she sent I slightly smiled 'There is like how have you been and wha-' 'I think you left reality for too long so let me bring you up to date. I am a hybrid that everyone wants to kill so that they can basically rule the supernatural world, You are dating the second person I hate the most in this world, yet I have to protect you from danger when he is the main source for it. You are a human who got mixed into the wrong crowd that should have just stuck to being with humans but you didn't because you wanted to make the world revolve around you. A war is about to start and you are in going to be in whether you like it or not so pick a side before someone picks for you.' she sent and with that left out the room as the bell rung.

I packed up my things trying to get to her "Nicki baby, where are you going?" Meek asked me "I-I ha-" I said looking between him and the door, it's too late. "You what?" he asked "Nothing Meek, let's just go." I said getting frustrated with him already.


We're at lunch and I looked at everyone differently mostly Lo because we've known each other for so long and yet she never told me, I've been to her house and everything and yet I still didn't know, wow. I got in line behind some boys before I saw Beyonce get in another one, I quickly got behind her 'leave me alone Onika' she sent 'Just meet me in the restroom in 15 minutes' I grabbed a slice of pizza and she grabbed my hand "Don't go anywhere with Meek or without me near you." she said lowly "Why?" I asked "Because if anything happens to you I will kill everyone his ass fucks with." she spoke darkly with her eyes turning gold "Calm down I won't okay?" I said rubbing her cheek as she leaned into and her eye changed back since the other one had in the contact "You should stop wearing it." "Wearing what?" "Your contact, your eyes are intimidating but still friendly." I spoke lightly rubbing her cheek with my thumb. The line moved and so did she, something changed in her eyes and she acted like she did earlier.


I was in the restroom about to leave when she walked in "Why did you come so late?" I asked "Why do you continue to put up with Meek's dumbass?" she retorted I just shut my mouth because I don't even know why. "What do you want to talk about?" "This war you said earlier what is it about?" I asked "It's about everything, since the supernatural world separated and split into a good and evil, but it's changed just as everything else has in time." she spoke "And who are you with?" "Myself." she said nobly "No one really wants me. they want my head, heart and blood that's all." "Why?" "So that they can have my powers and control all." she said.

The bell rung again interrupting us she was about to walk out until I stopped her "Let me walk with you." I said nervously "I guess." she voiced as I began to smile and followed her out to the halls full of kids I was about to get lost until she grabbed my waist and pulled me in front of her 'Stay close' and with that we made our way to class.

We walked in and eyes were on us, not everyone was in class but most of them were. "Nic, what are you doing with that?" Lo asked me "Her name is Beyonce, and don't disrespect her like that." I said while she made a shocked face and Rih smiled some "Nicki come here for a sec." Meek said I internally rolled my eyes and made my way to him 'don't be rude to him that's not being a good girlfriend' Beyonce sent me making me turn around and look at her while she just sat there on her phone "Why the fuck you still hanging with that piece of shit?" Meek asked aggressively "Because I can. and stop disrespecting her, you can't tell me who I can and who I can't hang out with you have no real authority over me." I said matter factly.

I took my seat next to Bey and laid on her some because I was tired "I'm really glad you're seeing the light now." Rih said to me making Lo scrunch up her face and bey smile a little while I smiled "When were you going to tell me?" I questioned "When you finally figured out." Rih responded "I've been knowing Bey was looking after you I just couldn't tell you, she had too."I looked up at Bey "Why did you wait so long?" "Because I don't even know how to tell you and cause of Meek and them used to do things to me to make me stay away so how was I?" she said in a blank tone "What did they do to you?" I asked she didn't respond "Bey... please tell me."' still nothing she just looked forward with a blank and yet angry expression.

"Honey bee? Please say something." at this point her eyes were gold and tears were slowly running down her face she got up to leave and I immediately got up about to grab our stuff "I'll get it. She's been through more than she will tell Nic, be patient." Rih said I nodded and went out to the hall "Bey wait!" I yelled running after her she stopped and put her head down. "What happened?" I asked walking in front of her, her golden locks covered her face so I lifted it up to see it was red with tear stains, her eyes were a pale gold and red on the white parts. I took out her contact and wiped her tears even though more fell "What happened baby." I asked.

"He stole it." she whispered "He stole what? What did he steal baby?" I asked "He stole my innocence." she whispered "What? What do you mea-" "He raped me." she said barely audible "Him and Shawn and Mario, they raped me." She cried even more at her words I froze. I wouldn't have even thought about that but then again I haven't thought about any of this, she leaned into the corner she put herself in and cried while somewhat sliding down the wall. "I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry." I repeated over again as I helped onto the ground and placed her head on my chest so she could cry we were in a hall that no one went through so it was pretty secluded. Beyonce just cried and whimpered "When?" I asked.

"Do you want the first time or the most recent." she said sniffling but with no emotion making me hold her tightly to me. "T-the first, if that's okay." I speak trying to take this in "We were in middle school the end of sixth grade year, I was somewhat of following you and Meek had warned me before since he wanted you and I'm a hybrid, but I didn't listen. When I made sure you were home I walked to my house and half way the they pushed me into the woods "I told you to leave her alone you freak!" he yelled at me as I laid on the ground holding my head since it was bleeding. He started unbuckling his belt and I was confused until he came over to me and started trying to undress me "No, stop, move." I kept saying but he didn't listen so I hit him and he stopped for a second until he told Shawn and Mario to hold me down. I kicked but it didn't work so I just cried as he forced himself inside of me, I hated it I wanted think of it as a nightmare and wake up in my bed but it never happened, when he was do he let the other two do it as well and I cried even more because I was bleeding and I hadn't started my period before. They all finished and hit me a few times leaving me bleeding everywhere basically, I walked home with my clothes torn and blood all over me with scars and tear stains. Solo asked me what happened but I never told her not even my mom but she knew something was wrong. I wasn't the same BeyBey after that I was quiet and alone l liked it like that. No one could hurt me again, well at least I thought that." she spoke.

I had tears in my eyes while some did run down, I rubbed her head and back "I'm so sorry." I spoke trying to make it sound like I didn't cry "It's okay it's not really your fault it's mine." she spoke "No it's not Bey yo-" "It is I didn't listen and I still don't." she spoke then let out a bitter chuckle "One time they did it again and got me pregnant and I don't know how they found out but they did and found me one day and beat me to kill the baby, it didn't die right then but it did soon after, I had a miscarriage and I wanted to die. I wanted to kill myself right there." she said trying to hold back tears "It was my baby, it didn't matter who the father was I was going to take care of it. But they took it away from me just like everything else and the only thing they learned was to use condoms." she said crying some "When was the most recent?" I asked quietly "A couple of days ago..." she said painfully "You probably hate me now, I wouldn't blame you because I hate me too." she said trying to sit up but I pulled her back down "All this time?" I asked in the same voice "Ever since..."


I almost shed some tears but real OG's triple OG's don't cry unless they in private. But here is an update pretty sad but it helps add things up some right? There is still and will always be more to the story Nicki just don't know whew chile, this gon be a crazy Christmas😂😂😂 Please comment I do like reading them and How was y'all's day and thank you for all the reads on Neu Roses I'm going to update later today since this chapter was unexpected.


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