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Onika's POV
February 14(7:15pm)

Loneliness, after so many years of talking to men but never letting them get as close as I was with Honey Bee. Lotus is at my moms house since she wanted to spend the night there and I didn't oblige, I would have time to myself something that I love and hate. I stopped going out a long time ago, it's not for me. All the people and touching and things, I can't do that with anyone.

I went up to my room and watched some TV, after a while 50 Shades of Grey came on. I watched for a while then it got to the sexual parts turning me on, it made me miss being touch and someone to actually admire me for me. No one has done that since Bey, I can't even be alone in a dark room with a man that makes the slightest of sexual look at me. I miss her touch, the way she'd speak to me and how she knows what to do me. When we had sex before... I loved it, it was more than just sex. It was special... really special, even though she couldn't dominate me the way she wanted to it was still so good.

I started to touch myself at the thought of her, I put a hand under my Night gown squeezing my breast and the other in my panties rubbing my lower lips. I reminisced about her tattooed infilled body and how she could pull it off better than anyone I've ever seen, her cocky smirk that went to her licking her lips liked she'd do before she'd whisper sweet little things in my ear. "I love you" her voices echoed in my head "your all mine cookie" I messed with my clit massaging it while playing with my nipple. "Oh fuck" I spoke dipping my finger into myself.

Her image continued to play in my head, when we were in the shower and how the water would run down her body and how she would look so natural under it. "Mmm" her breast that sat perfectly on her chest then running down to her lightly toned stomach. When we'd be face to face and so close to each other how her pupils would get wide and turn gold making me feel like I'm the only thing that existed in that moment. "You're so sweet" I could see her face now looking at me smiling then putting her fingers in her mouth making me curl my fingers inside myself, "Daddy Bey" I moaned out going harder.

The faces she makes when on the verge of unraveling how her mouth would hang and her eyebrows would barely scrunch together while she looked at me with dreamy eyes. "Baby" She'd rub my cheek and kiss me, "my cookie" she says on my lips sending me over the edge that I was barely still on "Oh Honey Bee" I moaned and slightly screamed cumming on my fingers. I slowed down with my fingers coming to a needed stop and let go of my breast that had an exponentially hard nipple. I caught my breath that felt labored, I soon got up and took a shower cleaning myself deeply wanting to take away the disgusting feeling that just came about, I don't touch myself I don't like to but now that's the only way I sexually please myself.

I got out of the shower tired and I put on my gown again and got in bed. I looked at the TV and saw they were back on a sex scene so I changed it and lowered the volume before turning over turning off my lamp and looking at the clock reading 9:58pm.


I woke up and went to my bathroom taking care of my hygiene before getting dressed. I put on some jeans on and a simple white/grey long sleeve shirt with sprinkles of gold then I put on some grey open foot heels. I brushed over my hair again before going downstairs to get my purse and keys since I already had my phone. I turned it on checking the time seeing Lotus had some how changed my screensaver making me smile, it was a picture we took a couple of days ago she put a filter on us and we made these faces where our eyes were looking at the camera but we had our lips out and a finger on our cheeks.

I shook my head and walked out the house then locking the door, I got in the car texting my mom I was on my way fore actually pulling out and starting to drive. I was about a minute or two away about to turn when something came in front of my car making me quickly hit my brakes and jerk from how the car stopped. I slowly looked up and with my hair over some of my face seeing that nothing was there anymore, I looked around confused and worried. Someone was there, the cars behind and around me were honking making me go.

I parked my car in front of my mom's house and got out, I knocked on the door and my mom answered. We hugged and I told her about this morning "Baby, are you okay?" She asked "I don't know but I promise you someone was there." "I believe you, if it happens again you know to call Tina and them okay? I know some things about their world but it's better to go to someone with the experience. I nodded my head hearing little feet running towards me and giggling "Mommy!!!" Lotus said running up to me making me pick her up and spin her around before putting her in my lap since I was sitting on a stool at the bar.

"How was your night little flower bloom?" I asked "it was good mommy me and GG watched movies and made popcorn and did our nails and a lot of other stuff." She said counting on her fingers and doing a little rainbow like hand movement at the end. "That's good baby, have you eaten breakfast yet?" I asked "No I just finished cooking when you knocked on the door." My mom said making me nod, she gave me a plate with a little extra since Lotus was sitting with me.

"What do you want to do today lady bug?" I asked finishing my piece of bacon before giving her then end of it "I wanna..." she said looking up some in her thoughts then moving her hand to her cheek with a confused face "I don't know mommy" she said making me and my mom laugh "We'll just figure that out later okay?" I spoke and she nodded smiling.
Alone on Valentines like me🤗 umm this was kind of a filler but a bit of a needed one for future reasons so pay attention👀

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