Guardian Devil

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Beyonce's POV

August 12 (7:50pm)

Watching, that's all I really can do is watch her from a distance and hope and pray she doesn't get into anything. I stay in the dark in high or far areas so she doesn't have the slightest hint of anything suspicious. I've been watching her since I was little now I know I sound like a stalker but trust me I'm not, I was actually made to do this. I have to protect her from any danger or any pain if you might say. It's prophecy, I have to do this because it's in my nature.

She can never see my face though, it's not allowed according to my family. But I understand I don't even like showing my face. I stay in the shadows I always have since I was a kid, I've been looked down upon by the whole community. I'm considered an abomination because I'm not a pure blood. I'm a hybrid of a wolf and a vampire. You would think people would look up to me or fear me but they don't they actually want to kill me, and you would probably think I was a fighter that was brave and all that heroic shit. Guess what?... I'm not. I fear so much I don't even like talking to people I don't know.

I always get stared at with confusion or weary because my eyes are two different colors one gold and the other a hazel brown so I just gave up on people all together. I followed her to the store in the woods so she couldn't see me on the sidewalk or hear me. I was on one of the taller tree branches getting a full view of her and her surrounding looking for something out of the ordinary. She went inside and that's when I made my move, jumping down from the tree and walking closer to the store but not out of the woods. Then I smelled two familiar scents "Hey Chris, hey Dave." I said "Damn it we can never just run up on her." Chris said somewhat mad "I don't know why you keep trying she can smell yo stank ass a mile away." David said making us both laugh.

"How y'all brothers but act like enemies." I said with my laughter dying down "Cause he a bitch." they both said at the same time making me laugh harder. "You two kill me bro." I said laughing on the ground. I hear the noise of an opening door and instantly stop laughing watching her walk out and in a different direction. You're headed to his house? I climb up a tree and go on a high branch jumping to a tree across the street right over her. The two idiots follow me and can't seem to stay quiet so I move ahead of them so I don't get caught. She heard a branch break and turned around behind her "Hello?" I quickly turned and looked at the boys 'Are you two serious right now shut the fuck up dumb-asses!' 'Ight shit we sorry' Dave sent in the telepathic message.

She finally started walking again after a few seconds. It took a while but we made it to her boyfriends house. 'Why is she dating him? All he does is use and cheat on her.' Chris sent 'Shut the fuck up and let it be.' I growled. She's dating this dude named Rihmeek I honestly don't know why she fool with him all he does is hurt her honestly but I can't do anything to him he's like the purest pure blood, royal family or some shit like that but anyways I can't get too close he'll can easily get me beheaded. That's how fucked up my life is.

'Onika could really do better in all honesty.' Dave sent 'Yea she could especially with me.' 'Chris all you want is sex.' I sent irritated with his extremely high sex drive. Onika went inside and I jumped to one of the trees in their yard. "Come on Bey she ain't gon come out anytime soon let's play for a while." Chris said "Yea, you right." I said attacking him we went off the branch I was on and landed on the ground wrestling "Aye before y'all continue this lets go somewhere else cause these over privileged mf's dont like 'mutts'." Dave air-quoted.

Running through the woods was my favorite thing to do but it was even better when I was in my wolf form and could control it. "We racing?" Chris asked I looked at Dave for an answer "I'll say who won." He spoke with a light smile I took off my hoodie and shoes to get started "Ready... get set... Go!" Chris and I ran off then jumped over a fallen tree and changed into our forms, I am a gold and light brown wolf that's a bit larger than the average, Chris was a dark brown with some black and light brown eyes. We keep going until we stopped and the end of wolf territory. "I'm sorry but...Bey won that one chief!" Dave said landing on the trunk of a tree. 'Come on she's about to leave.' I sent running back to our clothes. We made it back and went into human form again and I watched her walk out slightly frustrated I stayed on t he ground listening to her thoughts 'Why does he always do this... I don't want to be a house wife how hard is that to understand.' she thought letting out a huff 'Bey we're headed home mama cooked and she said come by soon so you can eat with her.' 'Alright Dave, I'll catch y'all later.' I sent still walking with Onika.

I smelled wolves near so I got up in the trees watching her from up there. They keep getting closer and closer Don't they know not to go near humans? I keep a closer eye on her as she walked in the area where all the lights were out Now why would you do that Onika I thought we were smarter than this... I still smell them it was about three of them. I really need her to get from over here but it's too late the wolves could smell her and they were coming.Now in wolf form I walked beside her so close that if she actually paid attention she could see me clear as day the I heard a growl Fuck... I turned and saw a wolf in the distance looking at her so I did what I have never done before 'Go the other way' I sent to her she stopped for a second then heard a growl and did what I wanted. I waited behind a while before doing the same as her.I had my stuff in my mouth since I didn't have hands, I looked one of those service dogs behind her.

We just made it to her house and I sat my stuff at a tree near us. I walked across the street to her house but still keep distance. "Ma I'm home." she halfway yelled "You finally came back." her mother spoke "I was at Meek's." "You need to stop fucking with his stupid ass." "Ma he's not stupid." she said trying to defend him "The only reason he has money is because of his family, that boy is bout as simple minded as people from the 1800's." I like her mom she sees my point of view on most topics it's just Nika is stubborn.

I just made it back home "Hey Bey." Solange said as I walked through the door. "Hey solo, where mama?" I asked "She went to the store she should be back soon." She said sitting on the couch scrolling through channels while I went upstairs to shower. I came back down and saw my mom cooking. "Dang mama what's that it smell good." I spoke peeking over her shoulder "Girl if you don't take yo black ass on watching over me while I cook." she said smacking me in the head I pouted and sat on the couch waiting for the food.

"Come-" I ain't even give her time to finish speeding through the kitchen making my plate and eating "Giselle quit acting like I don't feed you." she spoke "It's not acting if it's true." I said stuffing my mouth and she smack me in the back of my head again "MAMA!" I said choking a little while Solange laughed. I can't win nothing in life....


Alright this isn't as serious as Neu Roses but it shouldn't be a horrible book. First chapter yes or no?


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