They both clenched their fists and glared at me. That did it. I burst out laughing again. I stopped after a few seconds to see that they were both looking a little more relaxed. Les came over to me and gave me a hug.

"Thank you for forgiving us." He whispered.

I felt a chill run up my spine and back down. I turned my head down to hide the blush that was creeping over my face. He let go of me and chuckled. I kept looking down at the ground. Suddenly I was in someone's arms. I looked up to see Nate smiling at me. If my face wasn't already red I would have blushed again. He held onto me tightly then said, "I'm glad you're not angry."

I nodded my head and he pulled back. He gave me a peck on my cheek and I looked back at him in shock. He smirked at my reaction and walked over to Nicole. What was that? Did he just kiss me? Where did that come from? Why am I embarrased about it? What is going on? I shook my head, trying to get rid of the confusing thoughts. I timidly looked up and saw Les with his jaw set and his fists clenched so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. I quickly looked away feeling guilty. My hands started to turn sweaty and I desperatly was trying to find a way out of this situation.

"Hey, does anyone want some....popcorn?" I asked trying to get the tension out of the room.

Nate shook his head, "Naw. Nicole and I should be getting home anyway."

Nicole looked disappointed but nodded. "Yeah. Its almost time for dinner and our mom is very strict about punctuality."

"Oh, alright." I said leading them to the door. "I'll see you guys tomorrow then."

Nicole left to go to the car but Nate stopped at the door. "Ruth. Would you like a ride to school tomorrow?"

"No, its okay. My sister is bringing me. Sorry, I just like spending as much time as I can with her. I don't see her very often. Thank you though." I declined as I tried to keep a blush off of my face.

What is up with all the blushing around Nate all of a sudden? I smiled at Nate but saw that he looked a little disappointed and my lips curled down.

"Alright. But if you ever need a ride just ask." He smiled slightly and left.

I watched him for a few seconds as he walked to his car. Then I slowly shut the door. I felt a little bad for turning down his offer to drive me home, but what I said was true. Renee and I don't get to spend enough time with each other and I miss her. I went back into the living room to see Les on the couch watching T.V and shoveling popcorn in his mouth. I smiled at how cute he was and couldn't but to watch him. Eventually he noticed I was behind him and he turned around. I felt a little awkward so I started up a conversation.

"So you're staying?" I asked.

He raised his eybrow at me and asked, "You offered popcorn didn't you? I'll leave if you want."

"No! yea...I mean yes! I offered popcorn and no I don't want you to leave." I said quickly.

Les gave me this weird look the shrugged and turned back to the T.V. I sat down next to him to watch America's Got Talent. I reached over to grab some popcorn but Les moved it out of my grasp.

"Hey!" I protested.

He smirked and said, "You offered me the popcorn. Its mine now."

I frowned and said, "No, I offered you some of MY popcorn. That doesn't make it yours."

"Yes it does." Les smiled as he shoved more popcorn in his mouth.

I sighed and leaned back, pretending I was giving up. Les smiled smugly at me and continued to watch the show and eat. When a commercial came on I took my chance. I jumped up and tried to grab the popcorn away from Les. It was like he knew that I was planning because he moved the popcorn away just in time. I scowled at him as I struggled to reach for it behind him. He was holding it back away from him and laughing. I was climbing on top of him to get to it. As soon as I was close enough to reach it he moved it to the other side of him. In attempt to move to get it, my foot slipped on the floor and I fell into his lap. My whole body heated up in embarrassment and I swiftly got up and tried to get the popcorn again but I couldn't see it. I looked to Les to ask him where it was when I saw that he was looking at me with blank face. My heart stopped at the sight of his expression. He looked so serious all of a sudden. He stared at me and I stared back. He was starting to lean closer and I was dumbfounded. My eyes widened in shock and I stood there frozen. Then he grabbed me by my waist and pulled my down on the couch. I layed there looking at him wondering what he was doing. He hovered over me just staring at me. I felt myself get lost in his eyes as my heart beat quickened. In this moment I felt so comfortable and safe. Les pulled up his hand and swept it across my face to move my hair out of the way. His hand lingered on my cheek before he reached down to......

Sorry! Leaving you at a cliff hanger. I had to do it! lol :) thank you for reading. Now off to do my english homework, I get to read The Catcher and the Rye! Yay :| (note the sarcasm...carspasm? lmao haha)

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