chapter 14

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Hey, I've been trying to find pictures of the characters...yeah thats not going too well. I can see them in my mind but its hard to just go searching for that online. So if you happen to come across someone who looks like one of the characters, could you please message me? It would be greatly appreciated :)

Renee had just dropped me off at school. My eye- lids were drooping from exaustion and I could barely walk up the stairs to my locker. I strongly dislike Monday mornings. You get used to waking up late for two days then suddenly you have to get up at six in the morning. I cannot wait until summer. Too bad I have to wait seven months. I slowly made my way to my locker which was on the other side of the school. When I reached my locker I saw that Les was already there. I had been expecting him to be outside with his friends. I walked up to him smiling. He smiled back and started to open my locker for me. I had given him my locker combination at the beginning of the school year because I always have a hard time opening it.

"Hey." I greeted him as I flung my jacket into the locker.

"Hey yourself." He said while watching me get my stuff for first period.

"So, how did dinner go last night?" Les asked.

I smirked as I remebered last night at dinner. My dad seemed like he was nervous about something. Renee and I are not stupid so we both noticed it right away. We forced him to tell us what was going on but he was still hesitant. He finally caved and told us that he has been dating this woman named Bethany. The look on his face when he described her told me that he was in love with her. I was happy that my dad had found someone. I couldn't bring myself to be mad at him for keeping it from us, he deserved to be happy. When he told us that he was going to ask her to marry him, Renee and I were both shocked but supportive. I told him that she would have to get our approval before he could ask her though. I don't want some mean b**** coming and taking control of our lives. My dad just laughed and said that we would love her. We are going to be meeting her sometime this week. She is out of town right now for some business meeting.

Les just laughed when I relayed last night's events to him. We headed to math and sat down next to each other. A few mintues later Nicole walked in and sat on the other side of me.

"Yo, whats up?" I nodded at Nicole.

"Nothing, yo." She said laughing.

"Where were you yesterday yo? I went by your house but your mom said that you and Nate weren't home....yo." I said trying not to laugh.

"You did? Nate and I just had to go somewhere. Sorry, I didn't know you were coming." Nicole looked away.

"No its okay. I was just stopping by. I spent the day with Les." I said poking him on the arm.

He put his hand over his heart, "YO! So now I am your second choice?"

Nicole and I burst out laughing just as the bell rang. I tried to get my laughter under control as the teacher came in and gave us a dirty glare. We sat there the whole class going over mid point and slope. I tuned out because I learned this last year and it was really easy. At the end of class Les said he would see me later and Nicole and I walked to history. I noticed that she was being really quiet and I wondered what was going on with her. When she was telling me where she was yesterday she seemed reluctant and a little sad. What were Nicole and Nate doing? I stopped her before we walked into the classroom and pulled her aside. The halls were not as crowded before so I didn't have to worry over people hearing us. The expression on her face showed that she was confused and worried. I didn't want her to be mad at me for prying into her life but I wanted to help her like she has been helping me. She keeps hearing me whine and cry about my problems and we barely talk about her. I am starting to feel really guilty.

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