008: Cadre

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~ レタス ~


  A small group of people specially trained for a particular purpose or profession. 


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"It was nice talking to you, Kemuri-Kun," the girl said. She fidgeted with her fingers in front of her nervously. "I'd love to talk to you again. I'm sure some of the other girls feel the same way." 

"Thank you. That's very kind of you," Kem responded. He touched her shoulder lightly as he spoke. He watched as her face flushed increasingly at his touch. She nodded and stepped back. Kem turned and shoved his hands into his pockets. He approached his sister with a smug look on his face. 

"Those girls, the guests," Kem paused and motioned towards the door. "They love me." 

"Yeah, I know they do," his sister answered with a sigh. She rolled her eyes and wore an amused expression. "Don't start getting too egotistical, Kem." 

"It's not my fault I'm great," the teen answered and smirked wider. Haruhi rolled her eyes but said nothing else. 


Tamaki cautiously approached the other second-year host. He innocently held his hands behind his back. "What is it, Tamaki?" Kyoya asked. Kyoya could already tell that the blonde wanted something. 

"So, I was thinking..." Tamaki paused and cleared his throat. "The guests sure seemed to love Kemuri." Kyoya narrowed his eyes and turned towards Tamaki. He knew where this was going. "As the host club prince, I'm going to ask him to join the club, okay? Thanks." Before Kyoya could say another word, the blonde had zoomed off. Kyoya sighed and shook his head. He didn't seem to care much. "Hey, Kemuri," Tamaki called as he approached the two Fujioka siblings. 

"Hey, Tamaki," Kem responded. He plopped down on the couch. Tamaki sat across him and looked at him with an excited smile. "What's got you all happy?" 

"Did you have fun? Visiting the host club, I mean," Tamaki asked without answering his question. Kem responded by shrugging and nodding. Haruhi curiously turned towards the two boys. "Have you already joined a club, yet? I know since you're here on a scholarship, you need to join a club. You should join this club!" Tamaki spoke quickly. 

"Seriously?" Kem asked. He raised an eyebrow and glanced at his younger sister, who was already looking at him. Tamaki nodded vigorously. "Uh, okay..." he trailed off. Tamaki watched him anxiously, and Kem watched Haruhi for any sort of response. She simply smiled softly and nodded. 

"You should, Kem. I think it'll be fun. We could spend more time with each other," Haruhi agreed. 

"Jeez, Haru. One second, you don't want me around you and then the other, you don't want me to leave you," Kemuri scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, Tamaki, I'll join." 

"Great! Now... We have to teach you how to be a proper host," the blonde said eagerly. 


The two Fujioka's walked home side by side. Kem, like usual, had his hands shoved in the pockets of his black jeans and an indifferent look on his face. Haruhi glanced at her older brother for a second. "You're not worried?" She broke the silence. 

"Worried about what?" Kem hummed softly. His brown eyes scanned their surroundings. He wanted to get home already. 

"Worried that one of the hosts will get suspicious...? You know, that Kuma thing," his sister explained with a sigh. Haruhi was annoyed about how carefree he was acting. Kem shrugged and turned away for a second. Her mouth fell open slightly agape, and her eyebrow began to twitch. 

"I've thought of that already, Haru. I have plans. Sozen and Kuma have roughly the same body types. If anyone gets suspicious, I'll have him dress up like Kuma and go out somewhere," Kem explained. "Or post a pre-recorded video as if it were recently filmed. Point is, don't worry, okay? I got it handled." 

"Okay, Kem," Haruhi sighed. "Just be careful?" Her brother nodded and nudged her shoulder. 

"Of course, Haru. Plus, it wouldn't be so bad if they found out," Kem cleared his throat. "I'm sure Soseki could just force them into signing contracts, so they'd have to be silent." 

"Yeah, I guess. You know the twins and Tamaki are huge fans of Kuma, right?" Haruhi asked and began to smirk. "The twins especially. They love him." 

"Huh, good to know," Kem muttered. He slipped his hand out of his pocket to run his fingers through his hair. 


Tamaki approached the quiet boy sitting in the back. He had just gotten to school and was excited to have a new friend joining his club. Kem sat there typing on the fairly expensive-looking laptop with a concentrated expression on his face. "Kem!" Tamaki said happily. "Good morning. What are you working on?" 

"Oh, uh, it's nothing," Kem answered. He quickly changed tabs and shut the laptop. "How are you doing, Tamaki?" 

"Great! Have you heard the rumors?" Tamaki gasped slightly. The blonde sat down in the seat beside Kem. 

"Rumors? What rumors?" Kem asked and moved his head to the side slightly. He tried to ignore the growingly anxious feeling inside him. Haruhi had gotten in his head about people finding out. 

"The rumors about Kuma?" Tamaki answered and furrowed his eyebrows. The feeling worsened and Kem's chest began to feel heavy. He hadn't been on any social media platforms for the last day, so this really worried him. 

"I'm sorry, Tamaki. I still have no idea what you're talking about. I don't follow Kuma's activity. I'm not a huge fan," Kemuri answered. 

"People are saying he might start singing - like actually sing. He might even have a few concerts!" Tamaki answered excitedly. "What do you mean you're not a huge fan? Do you not like him?" 

"I think he's fine," Kem answered and shook his head. The heavy feeling in his chest was gone. "I think his work is good. I just don't really follow his activity. I'm not so crazy about him." Kem's hand played with the frayed rips of his navy colored jeans for a second. 

"Oh, good! I was worried for a second. I thought you didn't like him," Tamaki chuckled for a second. "I'm so excited, Kemuri! You've seen that video of him singing, right?" 

"Yeah, of course," Kem answered and shook his head slightly. "Everyone was playing it." Kem sat back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "So, anyway, any plans for the host club?" Kemuri didn't exactly feel like talking about things to do with Kuma anymore. 


Tamaki walked a few steps in front of Kemuri and Kyoya. Kyoya held his black notebook in his hands, and he watched Kem from the corner of his eye. Kem, who hasn't noticed Kyoya's actions,  shoved his hands into his pockets and somewhat slouched as he walked. Kyoya's eyebrow twitched slightly. He opened his notebook and jotted down a few bullet points. "Kem, are you even listening to me?" Tamaki groaned and glanced behind him to face the brunette. 

"Sorry," Kem apologized. He cleared his throat then continued. "I just have some stuff on my mind right now." 

"You're always in your own little world," Haruhi cut in. She began walking beside her brother. "I thought maybe I could eat lunch with you today," she explained to Kem, who was giving her a confused look. 

"Great," Kem answered with a smile. He wrapped his arm around Haruhi's shoulder and pulled her along with him. "Just know, there's no backing out!" Haruhi rolled her eyes slightly and pushed her brother's arm off of her as they continued making their way towards the cafeteria.

Wc 1297

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