002: Symbolism

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  The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities; symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts.

  The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities; symbolic meaning attributed to natural objects or facts

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(Omfg, symbolism is my least favorite things to look for in literature for English class.)

"You must be Kuma Arita," the headmaster greeted with a smile. "It's a pleasure to have you attend my school. May I ask why you chose Ouran Academy?" 

"Please, Sir, don't call me that. I'm trying to stay undercover," I started. He looked at me with an understanding expression and nodded. "My little sister got a scholarship here. She wanted me to come here too. After researching the school a bit, I decided to enroll with her."

"Okay. Well, since you are here on a scholarship, you're still expected to keep up your grades and join a club, understand?" The man responded. I nodded. Haruhi had already told me about all the requirements for scholarship students. "Great, you'll be in class 2-A. Good luck, Fujioka." 

"Thank you, sir," I responded. I threw my backpack over my shoulder and left his office. Haruhi had been waiting outside of the room. Her newly cut hair and thick glasses made her look more masculine. I've always admired how she doesn't care about what others think of her. She smiled at me and walked down the hall beside me. "Do you know where your class, is Haru?" She shook her head in response. 

"Do you know where yours is, Kem?" Haruhi asked. I copied her previous action by shaking my head. 

"Let's look for your class first," I suggested and patted her back lightly. 


The final bell rang, and a few seconds passed before I reached the door. I went towards the teacher and shoved my hands into the pockets of my worn black jeans. "Hello, Sir, I'm Kemuri Fujioka." 

"Yes, you're the student here on a scholarship, correct?" He asked and glanced at the clothes I was wearing. I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest. "Right, you should introduce yourself since everyone here already knows each other, and you're the only new student in this class. Also, you can sit wherever there's an empty seat." He stood up from his desk and stood at the board. "Whenever you're ready, Fujioka." 

"Okay," I paused and sighed. I turned towards the classroom. Everyone in the room was already looking at me. I stood out a lot. Everyone else wore the uniform while I wore a pair of black worn out jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. "Hi, I'm Kemuri Fujioka," I started. "Yes, I'm here on a scholarship... that's about it." I shrugged and went to a desk in the very last row. The teacher began talking, and I propped my arm up on the desk and rested my head in my palm. 

"Hey," a guy whispered from two rows in front of me. "I'm Tamaki Suoh. It's nice to meet you," he shouted in a whisper. I nodded and smirked. This guy is weird. I leaned forwards before responding. 

"Nice to meet you too," I whispered back. I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest. He turned back to the front and began writing down what the teacher wrote on the board. I scanned the written words. "Foundations of Geometry". I silently groaned and rolled my head back. I had already learned the basics of geometry in online school. 


The teacher had finished his lesson plans for today, but we still had five minutes left before Lunch. The classroom around me was filled with chatter from the other students. I sat there silently. A certain name was said in a conversation beside me, and I was instantly eavesdropping. "Kuma was using symbolism to hint that something bad was going to happen; that much is obvious," the teacher said. 

"Sir, just because the door was black and red, doesn't mean it's foreshadowing for something bad," the student answered in a bored voice. 

"The color black is often used to represent evil or death, and red is used to blood, passion, danger, or immoral character," the teacher answered.

"Maybe the author just likes those colors," I cut in and shrugged. Both the student and the teacher turned to me.

"You're a fan of Kuma Arita?" The student spoke first. More students around us began to join the conversation. 

"I'm familiar with his work. I wouldn't really call myself a fan, but I'm aware of his writing style and works," I answered and shrugged. 

"Oh, well, I am," the student said. "I've been a fan of his for a while. I've even met him once." 

"You have?" A girl gasped. He nodded proudly. "How was he? Was he nice? Wait, you didn't see his face, did you?"

"No, I didn't," the guys chuckled. "Bu-but, I bet he still remembers me!"

I don't. 

"Hello, Fujioka. What school did you go to before this one?" The blonde from earlier asked. He stood in front of my desk now. 

"It was online," I answered shortly. "Aren't you the son of the headmaster?" He nodded slightly. 

"Ha, that's me," he chuckled. "You must be really smart, huh? Since you're here on a scholarship, that means you're a commoner. I know very few students who apply actually get in." 

"Right," I said unsurely. I glanced at the bell. It would ring any second now. I stood up and grabbed the bento box from my backpack. "It was nice meeting you, Suoh, but I have to go now," I said after the bell rang. I left my backpack in my chair since I was coming back to the same classroom after lunch. I went to Haruhi's classroom and sat down in the seat beside her's. 

"Apparently there's a lot of Kuma Arita fans here," my little sister pointed out. I nodded in response.

"I should post something about private schools, huh? I'm just going to mess with them a little," I said with a smirk. Haruhi rolled her eyes and chuckled lightly.

"You're going to get caught if you're not careful, Kem," Haruhi scolded. I waved her off and pulled my phone out. After a few seconds of silence, Haruhi spoke again. "Does Kuma Arita have anything new planned?" 

"I don't know," I answered. "Soseki mentioned Kuma should do something new, but I haven't really thought about it. Do you have any suggestions?" 

"You should try singing, Kem," Haruhi suggested quickly. I rolled my eyes and opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off. "I've heard you sing before! You're good at it, Kemuri." 

"I-I'll think about it, Haruhi, but I'm not sure," I answered and continued eating

"You're already good at writing songs. You can sing the songs you write, Kem," Haruhi reasoned. "I know you don't want to because you're shy, but I think you're really talented. I'm sure others will too." 

"You're just saying that because we're family," I answered and rolled my eyes. Haruhi scoffed and said nothing else. She pulled her phone out and began typing something. I raised my eyebrows and looked at her with a confused face. "Hey, wait, what are you doing?" 

"Nothing, Kem," she responded shortly. I tried to lean over and look at her phone, but she moved away. 

"Haruhi! Who are you texting?" I asked and groaned. She let out a small giggle and shook her head. Haruhi placed her phone back into her bag and looked at me with a grin. 

"It's really not important, Nii-san," she answered and shrugged. 

"Yes, it is! I know it is because you called me Nii-san! You usually don't do that, Haru," I pointed out. 

Wc 1280

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