The Movies ( Chapter VII )

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After that frightening event, I went upstairs and slept again. I woke up early in the morning, and it was a sunny morning. I took a bath, brushed my teeth and went to the living room. I sat on the comfy sofa alone. I was thinking deeply, like motorcycles and buses are running around the clouds inside my head. There was nothing to do but my old routine, to go to the Stevensons and have sleepovers or go to the movies with Jessie. That's it! I called Jessie through my phone and asked, "Hello? Jessie, can you meet me at the Terretrium Halls today?". "Well, let's go tonight. I am pretty busy right now, so, maybe later, okay?", she answered. The call was ended. I just watched T.V, and while watching, the channels were changed even without touching the remote. It keeps getting changed and changed until *BOOM*, the T.V was out of signal! I was panicking! I didn't know what to do! Mom went down to see what's happening, and saw  the poor T.V out of signal. A big "NO SIGNAL" was running around the screen. I thought that she would ground me, but she just simply said, "Control.". That was corny. She went upstairs like nothing happened. 

There went the time that it was already 7:36 in the evening. My phone was ringing aloud. I answered the phone and it was Jessie. "Hello? Alice? I'm finished with my painting, so I think we can go to the Terretrium Halls now, but if you're busy, I would just sleep.", Jessie said. "N-N-No! Let's go, and meet at the foodcourt!", I replied. It was settled then, so I told Dad about our "meeting" and he drove me to the classy Terretrium Halls. It was godly beautiful! "I'll pick you up at 1:00, okay?", Dad said with a hurried facial exppresion. He drove away with illegal speed, and I entered the beautiful Terretrium Halls. I went to the foodcourt, which was full of green bushes, and saw Jessie waiting for me. She saw me so she ended the call she was going through and hugged me so tight like we were apart for 25 years. "What happened to you? Are you okay? Did Mr. Hutcherson hurt you?", she asked. "Maybe he did, but look at the bright side, I am safe and sound here with you!", I replied. "Are you sure you are safe? I mean, Mr. Hutcherson never gives up when it's about money.", she continued with a worried face. "Nah. Don't say that. It might come true!", I said with a smile. We now went to the elevator and went up to the 6th floor, where the Greenline Cinemas were located. While we were walking to the movies, Jessie told me one last sentence, "Wear this jacket, then wear the hood, and no "buts", it's for your safety.". "You sound like Mom now.", I whispered. At last, the movies! We bought popcorn, soda and others. We now went to pick a movie. There were War of Bondor II: Reign of Darkness, which was PG-13, President Evil III: Dead Politicians, Beware!, was G, and Family Lady: Green Harvest, which was Restricted. Jessie said that she wanted to watch the  most awaited sequel of A New Dawn, which was War of Bondor II: Reign of Darkness, but she changed her mind and wanted to watch Family Lady. We were about to enter the cinemas, but a security guard blocked our way. "Not so fast. Are you adults?", said the rude security. "No, but who cares?", Jessie replied. The security guard's badge started floating away to the other movies, so he followed it. We now entered the Family Lady cinema, which we were waiting for the release since last year. The stewardress or whatever term used to describe her, also checked our age. The checking woman floated away from our sights, then we walked to the seats. The film started, and it had an hilarious intro! 

"Hey you!", said a man. A pie just went flying to his face and *WHAMM*! His face was full of pie. "**** you! I'll have my revenge", the man yelled angrily. THAT WAS HILARIOUS! I enjoyed the rest of the show. Me and Jessie went out and sat on a bench. "That movie was totally hilarious!", Jessie said while laughing. Just as then, two men in black captures Jessie then left immediately. I tried to follow them, but they were mixed into the crowd...

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