Our Last Stand ( Chapter XIV )

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  • Dedicat lui Novalyn Alarilla Lindain

I woke up inside a starship. Johntlea was also there, unconscious. "Good Morning, Princess Verdona, daughter of Prelate Cour-Dana and the secret agent Raymart! See for yourself through the window, and all of them are in despair. They are innocent, yes, maybe they are. But they will pay for your mother's sins if you don't sign my treaty in 12 Earth hours. All your treasures hidden in Venator will be mine! Thanks to your prelate Mom, all of these innocent people will burn to ashes!", said Lori-Anne's voice. I looked out the window, seeing the whole suburb of New York in chaos. Merciless soldiers burn down the apartments, as no child nor woman was spared. "What did Mom do anyway?", I asked. "She married a human! Even though she did, her half-breed daughter becomes the heiress?! That is inconsiderable! But if you sign my treaty, the throne goes to me when the Queen dies. So you have to pick a choice, sign this treaty of mine, or let this blue planet burn down into a barren wasteland?", replied the angry Lori-Anne. I quickly busted the hatches and went out. Johntlea suddenly wakes up and follows me. Many guards try to block my way, but Johntlea suddenly uses his powers, creating a storm of spikes, impaling and killing all of the guards in our way. "Where are we?", he asked. "We are in Lori-Anne's capital starship. I need to sign a treaty from her, before she blows up all the Earth.", I asnwered. I asked him back, "Do you still like me?". He frowns. "Let's just not talk about it.", he answers. We reached Lori-Anne, but I didn't think what's going to happen is good. We entered the room, and the hatches suddenly close. I had a Venatorian pen, and was about to sign. But just as then, Lori-Anne and all the other guards fell unconscious, and they fell to the cold ground. It was Jessie and Mutentla!

"Class-5 mutant, remember?", boasted Jessie. "We have no more time for this!", shouted the angry Mutentla. "Alice! Order all the Venatorians to retreat using that microphone!", she continued. "I was about to use the microphone, but suddenly, Lori-Anne wakes up and kicks Mutentla hard that she even bump the hatch open. Mutentla asked her, trying to see reason with the mad Venatorian, "Why are you doing this?". "Everyone has a choice, I chose this one.", she answers, leaping to Mutentla with a big blade. Johntlea hurls a big spiky spear onto Lori-Anne, impaling the Venatorian. "You all are doomed...", stated the Venatorian, falling to the ground, laughing to her own death. I got the microphone and said, "All you faithful soldiers, this is Princess Verdona, or Alice in these parts, please go back to our homeland peacefully. That's an order!". All of the brave soldiers went back their homeland, as our starship collapse and fall to the ground. Someone shouts, "This doesn't end here, suckers!". It was Mr. Hutcherson, with my blood sample. He injects it to him, making him a superpowered superhuman. He uses his new powers to push all of us away, but Dad suddenly arrives and shot him with a big shotgun. "It ends here. Rest in peace, Hutcherson.", stated dad, looking at the dead Mr. Hutcherson. "We saved the world!", said the suddenly arriving Kate with blood on her face, probably killed hundreds of soldiers. And she is correct, we did save the world. Survivors clapped at us, as journalist and others arrive....

Alice and JohntleaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum