Hovercraft! Thingy! ( Chapter VIII )

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Mom went coco crazy when she saw me arrive at 3:00 in the morning. "What happened? I was going to call the police to look for you but...", she said with absolute nervousness on her face. I quickly interrupted, "Mom, Jessie was kidnapped! By the same people who kidnapped me! The Cronus Inc.!". Mom's face began to frown. Dad overheard us and went to join the conversation, "Really? I waited for an hour there at the Terretrium Halls, but it closed at 2:00, and still, you weren't there?". "No, it's not like that! I left early but the men in black who took Jessie took my wallet too. I wasn't able to go home, so I called Johntlea to pick me up. He was unable to be contacted, so I walked home.", I replied to Dad's irrational question. I hopped down the sofa to rest my "overwalked" feet and legs. "What do you expect us to do now?", asked Dad. "I don't know...", I said with no hope. Dad suddenly calls someone named "Kate", and they seemed to had settled a plan. I overheard the voices. "Kate, I need your help. Can you find Jessica W. Romero, somewhere in New York, please?" Dad said. "Okay. I'm at Croatia, so I could arrive a little late. But I could use the Raven and go there in approximately 7 minutes.", replied Kate. Their call ended. "Dad, what's Raven?", I asked. "Eavesdropping, is bad news.", he answered. He left with his car. He drove like crazy. "What was that about?", I asked Mom. "Long story. Come with me.", she answered. We went to the bookshelf. Mom said, "Aris uglu Vri-tor! Abby gron res!". The bookshelf swapped into an elevator. Wow! We entered the elevator, and it brought us down to a classy, secret garage with a big hovercraft parked there. "As long as you have the grease, baby!", Mom shouted. We entered the hovercraft and I was at the back seat. Just as then, the seatbelt popped out and I was already safe! The ceiling opened to serve as an entrance, and Mom drove up. The ceiling immediately swapped into grass once more. We floated away to a warehouse, with a sophisticated agent and Dad there...

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