Matter of Feeling//28

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I shut Slips door slowly, making sure he doesn't wake to the sound. I stare at the knob for a few seconds before turning around to the surprising face of Armitage.

"You were in there awful long." He says.

"We were talking." I breathe out, exhausted from him being mad at me. It hasn't even been that long and it's wearing me down.

"I'm sure you were, telling each other more secrets and such?"

"Armitage." I surrender with my expression.

"Ben." He mocks my tone making me sound more whiny and drawn out.

"What do you expect me to say to that?"

"I don't expect anything from you. I don't like being disappointed, best to just avoid it."

"Stop. Please stop."

I can tell he fights away his inner feelings of being nice to me. His face twitches at his mouth.

"I don't like this." I finish my last sentence.

"So, you just expect me to stop being mad at you, pretend like nothing happened, like that I don't have a right to be angry with you?" He is close to tears again and I hate it. I hate it so much. I don't ever want to see him cry again.

"You do. I'm sorry." What do I even say? "You have every right. I'll talk to you, okay? I promise."

"Your promises are meaningless to me."

"No they aren't." I know he's just trying to get under my skin. He's winning, he doesn't even need to say that.

He shakes his head with his eyes closed. After letting out a very long and dramatic breath, he looks at me with angry sincerity.

"This conversation ends after I say this, okay?"

Excuse me, Master Hux is it?

"Okay." I say biting my tongue after.

"You can hide things from Luke, you can hide all the secrets you want from your family, I obviously encourage you hiding things from Snoke, but you do not hide things from me. I won't accept it." He goes from hard and angry to soft and caring fearfully fast. "Okay, Ben?"

"Okay." I nod. "I can't say anything?"

"No we're done with this conversation. I want you to tell me about the meeting with the parents of that boy." He walks over to the main purpose table and activates a touch pad after moving my mask to the side. I sit down across from him and he looks up at me. "You're allowed to speak."

I give him a questionable glare, confused as to why he's still allowed to be cold to me.

"Did you see this?" I take the husk doll from inside my robes and set it on the table.

He reaches across the table and picks it up. He turns it over and touches the tip of the light saber with his finger. "I saw it, this looks like a sword of some kind. Why is this... doll important?"

"When I was a student, the younglings and padawans made these, it's a Jedi Knight. Isn't that strange?"

"You don't know that it's a Jedi doll."

"The woman told me it was, she said that her son called it that. it looks just like the ones I and the other children used to make." I dread the rest of the time I have to spend talking about this with him. He is already being rude and skeptical to me.

"Ok." He says it drawn out, like he doesn't believe and starts typing what I said into his pad.

"I will leave."

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