Surpassing Sunset//16

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I walk into the hallway and look down at the floor as I walk away. I don't want to meditate in that training room, the wall is too much to ignore.

"Kylo." A soft clover voice fills my ears and I look up stopping, as I would have crashed right into the ginger if I kept walking.

"Hux." I smile, even though he can't see it.

"I was about to come get you. I got your message, are you okay?"

I look down at his tragic eyes. "Yes," I almost laugh out. "I'm okay, Love."

He rolls his eyes smiling. "Then why did you say that?"

"I can understand why you would have thought that was an important message." I nod.

"You said 'I need you.' How is that not important. What did you need?"

"You." I say it, knowing it will get him mad.

"Obviously." He shakes his head. "What did you need me for?"

"I just need you." I step closer. It's a shame my mask is on because there is nobody in this hallway to witness what I want to do to him.

"Need me?"

"Yes... I need you. You are essential to my sanity."

"I'm flattered." He raise an eyebrow. "If that's what you needed, I'll be on my way now."

"Wait." I grab his hand.

"Yes?" He turns and looks at our hands and then me.

"Never mind." I let go of his hand. He looks at me like I'm a puzzle, but continues down the hallway.

I mentally slap myself. I was about to tell him that I love him. 'I need you' is really I love you. Love is... its having a very deep affection for someone. And well, I have a very deep affection for Armitage. I love him. I can't say that though, he probably doesn't feel the same. He's probably one of those people that don't believe in love. I barley know him and I feel like he knows everything about me.

I walk back to my room and open the doors to the balcony. There is light snow fall and it's only a little bit cold. I stay warm from all my layers though. I sit down in an area without any snow and look at the sky. I take off my mask and set it in some snow, just to make an imprint. I try and concentrate on the random pattern of the wether so I will have an easier time falling into meditation. I focus my mind on one thing. The snow. Not Luke, not Sunset, not Poe. The snow... I let the snow take me.

"Ben, I'm going to tell you the rest of the plan now. Are you ready?" Luke asks me as my eyes are closed.

"Yes." I say unsure and afraid.

"I will come to you in the night. That's how you will know it's time. Keep making contact with Snoke until then. The first part of your mission is near completion."

"Okay." I continue to breathe slowly with my eyes closed.


"Yes... no.... it's use first."

"That's right. Use what?" I can feel Luke walk in circles around me.

"Use the force to hide my thoughts from Snoke.

"No!" I open my eyes and a sudden temptation of punching something becomes urgent. "No more! No more! I don't want to remember!"

I look back at the snow and concentrate on the pattern of the white flakes again. They remind me of Sunsets pale face. No. Stop it. I again close my eyes.

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