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The thing is, I started writing this in high school. It started off as a prequel to another fan fiction I wrote. The other fan fiction was literal shit lmao. So I deleted it and started writing this book as it's own thing. My siblings love this story and I loved writing it. The issue starts with how shitty the Star Wars movies got. I loved Star Wars for years and it was my main hyper fixation for a long time. It's hard to keep liking something though when you hate every new film and show they release. I hate that Disney is milking the fuck outta the franchise. I feel that Star Wars has always been a charming goofy that I like but dear god Disney is committing straight Tom foolery. All this was to say. Ya I took a break. Bc Kylo Ren and Hux died and THAT SHIT HAD ME MAD!!! As soon as I found out I refused to watch the last movie for like two years because of the dumb ass direction it took. Also reylo.... BORING! I also just don't like Disney as a whole bc wtf. Mickey Mouse is a cunt bro.

All this was to say that I love this story and the characters too much to stop writing even if it's been like 3 years lmao. I loved how excited the force awakens made me and how it introduced me to new actors and characters. Even if it was pretty much a new hope remade I fucking love BB-8 and I love Finn even when his story line before it got cut short 👩🏼

So if you want to keep reading then yay. I'm not gonna revise my old chapters bc holy fuck I did a ton in high school. Also the fact that I'm not a high schooler anymore the writing will be better. I'm mostly going to treat this story as a fun one I write on when I'm having writers block or not focused on a main project. But like I'm gonna take it seriously bc these characters need to fuck am I right?

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