I Need You//15

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A/N: I'm starting a book soon relating to this one. It's the journal of Poe after Ben left. It will be called 'I'm sorry Ben '. I have had the idea for a while, I just need to draw the cover. -yoitsme108

"Luke, it's getting closer to time, I can feel it." I look at Luke.

He looks away from the ocean we are sitting next to. "Me too, I feel that the time is coming."

"I may feel it, but how will I know when it's here? I'm still confused about a lot of things."

"I'll tell you when the time has come. You're still confused because I haven't told you everything. There is still much that we need to discuss."

"Then let's talk." I rip up some grass. "Tell me the rest of the plan."

"You're not ready for all of it."

"Yes I am." I fall on my back and let my arms stretch out on either side of me. "Just tell me Luke."

He turns to look down at me. "Stop being so impatient. Trust in the force, it will guide and protect."

"I have been trusting in the stupid force," I groan.

"Ben stop."

"No, you don't understand. You don't have to do something like this."

"I have done things similar to this." He still stares into the ocean, refusing to look at me.

I sit up and push Luke's arm. He turns and looks at me confused.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because. Give me a reaction. How come you're always so calm?" I walk over to him on my knees and push him again.

"Ben, you don't have to convince me too, just the other students."

I push him some more and he starts falling to his side. He gets back up without getting mad at me and it drives me crazy.

"Stop acting like everything is okay." I push him again and again before he grabs my hand mid-push.

"Stop it." He looks at me like my mom used to when she is serious.

I drop my hand on the ground and lay back down dramatically.

"Ben, you're starting to concern me." He looks at me like I'm the hardest puzzle he has ever seen. "I want to end this, take you out of this mission, but it's too late and you know it."

"What?" I sit up. I didn't know he felt the same way as me.

"Ben, you... I don't think Jedi is your passion. I didn't see it until now, I didn't see. I chose the wrong person, maybe this is a bad idea all together."

"Luke I'm sorry, I'm sorry I even said yes."

"Don't apologize. You're always apologizing."

"But I am. I never should have said yes."

"Well it's too late now, it's both our faults."

"Luke, I want to make you happy." I crawl towards him and beg with my hands for him to look at me.

"Ben, we obviously can't stop this mission now. You must finish this, I can only hope that you can do this right."

"Luke, I can do this, I just need your guidance."

"Young child." He wipes away a tear falling down my face. "I have made a mistake."

Hidden Truth//Kylux Where stories live. Discover now