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*Ben's pov*

I wake up and stare at the wall. I try to think about anything. Anything but the fresh memory of Luke sending me here as a spy. I can't mess up this early.

"I am Kylo Ren now. I will defend the First Order." I say it out loud so that hopefully I can make myself believe that. I can't let anyone know anything about my past life. It's too much of a risk.

I swing over the bed and my feet hit the cold black floor. This place, Starkiller, is nothing like my home as a Jedi or back at the resistance base. There was a main of two colors here all the time. Red and black. When I was training with Luke I lived in a small stone hut. I had a normal sized bed in my room on the resistance base. My room here was black and plain with a lot of random conversational art. Even though it had a huge bed, I would give anything right now to still be living with my parents. To be back in my old room. My favorite part about that room on the old base was the fact that it was lower to the ground. That way, Poe could sneak in to hang out with me.

"No." I shake my head again and fill my thoughts with other things. "Hide it. Hide it." There is no Poe any more. He is only a memory. A bad one at that. I get up and walk to the bathroom to take a shower. One good thing about Starkiller was the luxury of everything here. My room had a good sized kitchen area and living space and my bedroom and a great restroom.

After showering I dress in my dark sith clothing that I must wear now. I have to play the part. I have to play the part. Luke said that it would get easy to go undercover after a while. I am starting to find that hard to believe. I wish I could contact him through the force but he told me it was too risky. I need his help right now. I'm scared. Scared that someone will see through me. Most of all, scared of Snoke. He can't find out.

I walk out of my room and stand in the hallway not sure what to do. For the past few weeks I have just been training and meditating. I haven't really talked to anyone but this guy named Hux. Snoke informed me that when I came here I would be working close with him. I honestly don't know what to think about him. I don't know him and I feel like he can sometimes see right through me. He isn't very nice and he is ruthless to the storm troopers. He seems different though, when it's just me and him, he is calm and almost nice.

I start walking down the spacious black hallway with intentions of going to the training room to meditate. It will help me hide my thoughts away from Snoke.


I stop and turn around to see General Hux himself. He is standing at the end of the hall with his hands behind his back, standing up straighter then a pole. I point to myself and look at him mouthing 'me?' unsurely.

"Yes you." He looks at me like I'm stupid and I certainly feel that way now. "Come here." I enjoyed his accent. I can't really put my finger on where he is from and I like that.

I start walking towards him and I look around to avoid his glare of death. "Yes, General?"

"Come with me. I have something for you." He turns and starts to walk down the hall and I quickly follow.

"What is it?" I catch up and start walking next to him.

"Something to help your power." He looks straight ahead and has a proud smile on his face. "Here we are." He taps in a code to the touch pad sitting next to the door.

It opens to reveal a room that has a bunch of worn down stormtrooper armor hanging around and then a table with a bunch of tools and junk. He walks over to the table and picks something up.

"This," He holds out a helmet that is rather large to my hands. "Is yours now."

I take the helmet and observe it. It looks very similar to my grandfathers helmet but this one has silver lines around the eyes.

"Are you going to put it on?" He again gives me the look like I'm stupid and gestures for me to put the helmet on.

"Why?" I try and hand it back to him but he forcefully pushes it back. He is significantly smaller then I am but he still holds a strong figure and I honestly feel intimidated.

"Because, Knight Of Ren." He glares "this will help hide your face, your vulnerability. The first order rose up from the ashes of the empire and the most feared of those was Darth Vader. He had s helmet to strike the rightful fear into the hearts of rebel scum and those who didn't agree. So, Ren, take the fear tactic, and use it."

He is a lot closer now and I actually backed up a little. "Ok." I can hear the fear in my voice and I mentally slap my self for being such a scared little boy.

"The supreme leader wishes to see both of us, so please hurry up." He takes the helmet out of my hands and raises it over my head. He seems perfect. Too perfect. His clothes, his hair, his boots. His voice could cut through metal. He was almost like an Android. He reminds me of Poe. He is very passionate about the first order as Poe is with the resistance. No, do not think about him, bad memory. Bad memory.

"Ok." I feel the black mask hit the top of my head softly and see the perfect General through a red view now. I hear a click and see Hux bite his lips slightly with satisfaction. I honestly found it very attractive. No. Don't think like that. Why am I thinking so much?

He stares at me for a few seconds before he nods in approval and whispers. "Perfect."

I can not wait to keep writing this. I hope this is an enjoyable book for all that are reading. Btw, I love feedback. Also, if you like it  please vote.😘🙌🏻 . -yoitsme108🤓

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