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Harry Styles

Moving necessities from the penthouse to our house was taking absolute ages, not to mention how we then had to unpack. It was bloody fucking maddening and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I have also decided right there and then that I would never ever move again. I was going to fucking die in that house if I had to.

By the time we fully moved in, I was in no mood whatsoever to throw a housewarming party. I knew Carrington wanted it, or more so her hormones, because every time it came up, she became tense and if I breathed the wrong way, she went off on me. She was easy to piss off when she wasn't pregnant, but now that the bun was in the oven, she became ten times more irritational.

I was glad to have a day to myself at the gym. My trainer had some kind of plan for me but I just told him I wanted to hit the ring and box my anger, more so frustration, out. I knew I didn't want to blow up on Carrie because she would have taken it the wrong way and I really wasn't up for a damn argument.

Once I was out of the gym, freshly showered and with pulsating knuckles, I had a lunch scheduled with Aiden. I hadn't seen him in absolute ages, I missed hanging out with him and with how much has happened in my life in a short amount of time, I needed to let it all out to someone who wasn't as involved in it as I was.

On my way to the agreed location, I made sure I knew what was going on at home because no matter how much Carrington could piss me off, I still loved her and wanted her safe and sound. It turned out that she went over to Mia's place and that made me chuckle because we technically hung out with the same people.

"How's it going, daddy cool?" my best mate laughed at me as he sat down opposite to me at the table. I rolled my eyes and leaned back. He sat on the chair and I had the booth side.

"Shut it," I replied. "It's all good."

"Ah, come on," he laughed. "Tell me more. You're gonna have a kid, mate. An actual, living, breathing little creature that will look like you. That's mad, innit?"

"It surely is," I agreed. I often found myself thinking about this. My baby girl. Gosh. She was going to be stunning. Just like her mummy. And her daddy, I guess. I do look alright, don't I? I'd like to think so. I'm not sure how else I would have been able to get with Carrington otherwise.

"Now, you are either not saying shit because you're that speechless or something is wrong."


"So, what's up?" he asked, this time a bit more serious. It was crazy how well Aiden knew me. One look and he was sold. "Has she still not come around the baby topic or something?"

"It's not that... I mean, we don't really talk about the baby unless I bring it up, you know? It's like... she's not even pregnant or I don't even know. But like, that's not what's been on my mind. It's the constant arguments. Little things... she gets so pissed off with everything I do – or don't do. I don't even know what to think anymore," I stifled a laugh as I rambled on. Out loud, it didn't make much sense and I felt kind of stupid. I should have gotten used to her fiery attitude which was because of her hormones changing and whatnot but it was difficult. "Sometimes, I think it's really because of the pregnancy... that she's so... difficult. But other times, I wonder if it's because she really doesn't want the baby but she's keeping it to keep me happy? That sounds very stupid and that's probably not to true and I feel fucking bad for even thinking that but I'm just so unsure."

"The best thing would be to talk to her," he began. "Like, I'm no relationship expert but to me, it seems like you two lack communication. A lot. Mia and I went through a rough patch a few months back and she even moved out for like a week and we went without any kind of contact for literally seven days. The only reason she came back was because she stayed at a hotel and needed new clothes. I kept her home by forcing her to talk to me. We pretty much sorted everything then and there and since then, we've been fucking every night."

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