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Harry Styles

It had taken us a long time to finally finish everything regarding out engagement party. It was a long process, mainly because Carrington and I were constantly working. We separately met up with the engagement party planner in the first two weeks and then during the third week, we went together. That appointment was a complete mess, we were arguing with each other because I have arranged something she didn't like and she had arranged something I didn't like. The lady who was helping us obviously solved our problems otherwise we wouldn't have been getting ready to get to the location.

We had a lot of people coming. Like, a ton.

All of Carrington's Uncles and Aunties, their kids, grandparents, friends were on the guest list and so were mine. They literally were going to meet for the first time and it was honestly pretty fucking nerve-wracking. Of course, we both knew not every single person will turn up, considering we already had people text us saying they can't come. That was a bit of a downer, but it wasn't the wedding so really, it didn't matter that much. Then again, it bloody felt like a freaking wedding.

"Harry, have you got everything?" Carrington asked loudly as she walked in the kitchen, the heels of her shoes hitting the tiled floor which was weirdly satisfying. "Where are you?" she asked again with a little laugh.

"Kitchen," I said with an ice cube quickly melting in my mouth. My lips curled up into a smile when she walked in, looking pretty as ever in her white dress. It was a bit short, like, it was above mid-thigh length, with designes all over it, long sleeves and a cute little neck part. "You're stunning, baby."

"Thank you, handsome," she grinned at me with her arms wrapped around my neck when she came over to me. I placed my right hand on her waist as I softly tucked her hair behind her ear, revealing a pair of diamond earrings. "I love that we match, don't you?"

I smiled at her with now both of my hands around her body. We did match considering I wore a white shirt, sleeves rolled up and a few of the buttons undone. I didn't tuck it in my black jeans either just so that it looked more casual.

"Thank God it's about the same white. It'd be awful if your dress would be a creamier colour."

She giggled at my comment then pressed her lips against mine for a short peck. It literally was just a little touch and then she pulled away.

"Your lips are really cold," she commented as she looked up at me with her brown eyes and long ass fake eyelashes. Her makeup skills still amazed me. She was really good at it. "Right, you didn't answer my question from before."

"Which one?"

"Have you packed everything you want to bring?"

"Oh, I guess," I shrugged as I let go of her and drank whatever I had left of my lemonade. "Baby, we're only staying for one night. I'll be fine."

"Okay but you are not using my phone charger and I'm not bringing more than one pair of socks. If I catch you stealing any of those again, you'll pay for your theft."

"Oh, shut up," I pulled a face at her even though she was showing her back to me. Which also showed her amazing arse and legs. God, this woman was a work of art. "Are you coming in them nude heels?"

"I think I'll take them off and put my sliders on," she replied. "I don't want to kill my feet off before we get there."

"Have you tried the Gucci ones on yet?" I asked her curiously. The fact that I worked with big brands, and just that I was a model, meant that I got discounts and also, they had the tendency to send me stuff once they know my sizes. I may or may not have added an extra size in everything the last time I had emails and whatnot to do to ensure that my lady got treated, too.

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