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Carrington Hill

He did not take it good. He really didn't. And I knew he wouldn't. Not one bone in my body told me that he would react positively. 

The minute he saw me walk up to the car with Aiden, he almost laughed in my face. He really did not seem like my Harry. That was not someone I knew. This was some cruel person who decided to give me hell. The Harry I knew, my Harry, he would have hugged me and maybe he wouldn't have said I love you or I missed you, but he definitely wouldn't have been that cold. He would have been happy to see I was still in one piece.

At least, I was happy to see he was still in one piece.

Whilst Aiden spoke to him about whatever, I was in the guest bedroom. There was no way in hell I could have survived the death looks he would have given me. Although, when a knock sounded from the other side of the door then his head popped in, my breath got stuck in my throat and it felt like an intruder got in my private zone.

"Your mum called this morning, worried, asking for you. She's on her way to London," he told me in a monotone voice and I found myself nodding. Great. I guess that would save me having to drive home on my own. "Be home on time."

"Yeah," I mumbled. He really was not interested in how I was but I guess I didn't bother to ask him either. That being said, there was an already obvious answer in my brain to that and it would have been pointless. He was clearly hurt, there was no need for him to confirm it and he most likely would have just laughed at me anyway.

I eventually got home. I ordered an uber because I didn't want to bother Aiden anymore. Mia was still at work so I texted her the minute I got home and plugged my phone on charge, although her boyfriend was probably going to fill her in on where I was.

Mum already sat on the couch with a cup of tea in her hands, Harry next to her. I had a strong feeling he had told her about the news but I didn't even care. I was going to tell her anyway so at least them having that conversation saved me one.

I packed up a bag with my stuff in it and then made my way downstairs. Sure, I had an appointment next week but I could just get the train back up to London for that. I needed some space, somewhere without a reminder of how much Harry didn't like me and going home seemed like the best idea.

"Honey, what's going on?" mum asked as she stood up from the couch and walked over to me. The bag was over my hand, ready to leave and not come back for a while.

Was it bad that I wanted to leave? Maybe. Was it needed? Definitely. For my own sanity. Harry didn't want me around and although I did need him in this situation, I wasn't going to spend my every day dealing with his hateful stares.

"I promised Harrison I would go see him soon," I came up with the idea. It was somewhat true. I did talk to my brother about seeing him soon and this situation just happened to quicken up that process.

"Perhaps you should stay and figure things out, don't you think?" she asked. Of course – I wanted to say. We needed to have this conversation with Harry but it wasn't going to happen once my mother left and all three of us knew that.

"And we will. But right now, I have to get home and spend some time with my brother."

Needless to mention but Harry didn't put up a fight. He bid my mother goodbye and then nodded at me and closed the door on us. It hurt. So much. But that was it. I had to deal with it. There were other ways, of course, but getting shouted at wasn't something I wanted to experience. Not with Harry.

"I personally don't think you are handling this fight correctly," mother spoke up once we were on the motorway. There was traffic, a long line of cars ahead of us, which slowed us down massively. "I don't quite understand why you left him or why he was so cold to you."

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