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Carrington Hill

Harry's lips were soft and smooth like silk as they barely then more intensely touched mine in a gentle kiss. My left hand slipped into his hair and tugged on his curls that were longer around the nape of his neck while my right hand slowly touched his cheek. His touch lit my body on fire as his hand moved further up on my leg and delicately gripped my thigh. I felt him grab a hold of my t-shirt on my back as he fisted the fabric, his lips pressed hungrily against mine yet the kiss was still the softest I got in a while.

My breath was uneven once our lips lost contact, my eyes fluttered open and when my tongue ran across my lips I felt his taste on them. His eyes and lips smiled back at me, his chest rose quickly up and down as he tried to normalise his breathing. Slowly, my hand slipped off of his cheek, down his chest until it stopped and rested against his stomach. The hand which was behind his neck stayed put, my fingers gently massaged the nape of his neck and that got him to shut his eyes here and there as if he was half asleep half awake.

"That was nice," he said with a low voice, his words slurred as his accent shone through them. It made it sound almost un-understandable.

But I got what he had said and it caused my heart to race like a maniac running for their lives. As I averted my gaze from him I felt my cheeks tingle and my smile widened. My happiness touched the roof once it sort of settled in me that he enjoyed the kiss we shared because so did I and I probably would have felt crushed on the inside if he wouldn't have liked it.

"Was it okay?" he asked suddenly which got me to look at him right away. "You are a bit quiet, I'm not sure if you regretted it or something."

"No. God, no, I'm just overwhelmed by this whole situation," I stuttered as I tried to get my words out properly. The thought of him thinking I didn't like it made me chuckle because I absolutely loved that kiss. It was possibly the best I have ever gotten from someone. "That was possibly the best kiss I have ever gotten."

"I'm glad to hear that," his left eye dropped down into a little wink which got me even more messed up and left me in awe. Harry was dangerously attractive and the things he had done to me were indescribable. "So you wouldn't mind giving me one more, right?"

"Uhuh, you are right," I smiled as the upper part of my arms rested on his shoulders, the lower was crossed and my fingers slipped through his hair as our lips came in contact.

A smile played on his lips against mine while I moved a bit on his lap basically straddling him. This allowed his hands to rest on my thigh, way more up than they did before, his touch firmer but still gentle as ever. As his mouth massaged mine in a more relaxed and laid back kiss, his hands slipped behind me and rested on my waist before they made their way under my shirt.

He didn't go far with the kiss which I liked; it was simple and soft, no tongue or any rather intimate touching. When he pulled away, our foreheads rested against one another, his eyes were closed as he panted a little and licked his lips which were plump and a deeper shade of red they were before.

Both of our smiles grew as our noses met in an Eskimo kiss, Harry's eyes still closed and he let out a small giggle. My heart turned around in my chest at the sound, at how close we were to each other. It was magical, nothing I had experienced in a while and it felt amazing to be so touchy and feely with him.

"I swear I could kiss you forever," he muttered and with each word he had spoken, our lips touched. That made me smile even more, my heart basically swam in happiness that he provided with no limit. "Your lips are extremely soft," he told me and pressed his mouth against mine just to pull away and then he repeatedly pressed little pecks on my lips.

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