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Carrington Hill

London was always busy, full of tourists and exciting. Whenever I visited something was always going on which interested me more than anything although I couldn't really imagine myself living there. It was just a tiny bit too busy. And for someone like me who gets easily irritated and frustrated I knew I wouldn't have been able to handle the people out on the streets on a daily basis.

But nonetheless, I loved going and spending some time in the capital when I had the chance. Maybe that's why it was so special to me and that's why I loved it besides all the people.

When we got to Harry's penthouse I felt at ease. I have been there before once so it wasn't completely new – well, the downstairs part. Because there was a second floor where his bedroom and another spare was. Alongside a smaller living room and whatnot.

Did I already mention how bloody rich he was?

"Can I see your dress now?" Harry asked me once he showed me around and I sort of made myself as if I would've been home.

"No, you'll have to see it tomorrow to get the full effect with the hair and everything."

"That's not fair," he whined. "Why can't you give me a little taste? At least what colour is it?"

"It's a nice colour," I said. Harry looked at me with a knowing look and I gave it back to him. He sighed and then shook his head.

"Okay then what do you want to do?" he asked me as he laid across the bed and I crawled on top of him so my stomach was against his back.

I hummed in response while he went on his phone. He opened up twitter and his feed loaded, my eyes focused on his timeline and when I saw a picture retweeted on there I extended my arm a bit and stopped his scrolling with my index finger.

"Did you dress like a soldier for one of your photoshoots or something?" I asked him when I looked at the picture and paid a little more attention to it.

"Uh, no," he muttered. I turned my head a little so I was fully looking at his side profile. "I'm, um, in a movie? That's coming out next month? Possibly?"

"You what?!" I shrieked as I asked him. How come he never told me that?

"Well, I'm in a movie called Dunkirk. It's written and produced by Christopher Nolan. It's out next month on the twenty first."

"When did you have the time to do all that?"

"It took us around five months to film it all. It wasn't too bad, I enjoyed it so much."

"So you're basically an actor and I only just found out."

"Wouldn't say I'm an actor. This was my first movie role."

"A Nolan movie was your first movie. Okay. Give me a few years to get over that, please."

Harry laughed while I dramatically rolled off his back on to the bed. I was on my back as he looked down on me, he held his head up with his hand as he propped his elbow up. We stared into each other's eyes and I tried to understand how I got so lucky.

This man was not only the sweetest and handsomest but the most talented one too.

"So have you gotten over it yet or do you still need time?"

"I need a life time to process that."

"Personally, I don't think it's that shocking."


"I mean I am quite the actor, I have the skills and all," he said cockily. "I always used to seek attention and wanted to entertain people. So when I was younger and had the chance to act out, you best bloody believe I did. In school we did, like, weird takes on stuff. So like, we did Chitty Chitty Bang Bang this one year but I was Buzz Lightyear in it."

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