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Carrington Hill

It was definitely too early when the first alarm went off in the dark room. The curtains were pulled in, the duvet was up to my chin and warm, large arms and hands kept me safe while my body was curled up on the soft mattress of the bed. The room became silent once the alarm went off. The heavy breathing which filled the room was no longer hearable, the steady heartbeat against my back has changed and wandering hands slipped under my t-shirt. Goosebumps covered my body as fingers ran up and down my stomach then soon enough they disappeared.

Soft kisses were pressed on my right shoulder when I felt a hand gently cup one of my breasts through the semi thick material of my shirt. A lazy smile stretched on my lips as I enjoyed the gentle waking up by the boy who made me go crazy. His leg slipped between mine and he rubbed the side of his calf against mine. His hairy leg tickled mine which caused a small giggle to push through my lips.

"Good morning, sunshine," were the first proper words I heard that morning through a low and croaky voice. More kisses were pressed on my shoulder and down to the side of my neck before I felt soft lips against my cheek. "Let's get up, yeah?" he asked me as he squeezed my boob that he still held in his hand.

I rolled onto my back which made him do the same and I lost all contact with him. He quickly changed positions and hovered over me, his fingers brushed my hair out of my face and off my cheek where it stuck to my skin. He chuckled softly and he ran his index finger along my face. The sheet of the pillow most probably made an imprint on my cheek and the fact that he found that entertaining made me melt like butter on a rather warm toast.

Hmm, toast with a lot of butter.

"What are you thinking of?" he asked me with an arched brow as I licked my lips.


He must have thought I had dirty thoughts in my head when in reality I was just thinking about food.

"Food," I answered anyway and his smile faded a little. I laughed and poked his exposed chest.

"Of course," he muttered as he let me sit up and I just grinned.

I turned around a little as I cracked my spine then my neck which was followed by Harry's unnecessary comments about how disgusting that is. I rolled my eyes and I got out of bed – well, I was trying to.

"I need my morning kisses first," Harry held on to my wrist as he mumbled the words to me, his eyes closed and lips puckered, ready for the kiss.

"And I need to brush my teeth," I said and I pulled away. I heard him whine as he laid flat out in the bed, my eyes roamed up and down his toned, tattoo covered and tan body before I stepped into his bathroom.

I looked like a right mess but at least I didn't have black circles under my eyes. That was a good start.

After I brushed my teeth and so did Harry, I went downstairs while he took a shower. I didn't really think much of it as I looked through his fridge in my Disney princess pyjama pants and loose shirt with my hair in a messy bun. I took the butter out of the fridge and like I thought about it after I got up, I made myself some toasts. That was a bit too bland so I decided to chuck some jam on top but then I also saw the bacon Harry made me yesterday and I had to eat some of that too. I was too lazy to put it in a pan and let it fry a bit though so I just ate it sort of raw. Well, it wasn't raw because it's already been precooked and all that jazz so I was fine.

With the toast in my hand I was dancing and singing around until I was interrupted by another person. Who was not Harry.

It was Rose.

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