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Carrington Hill

My mind shot awake but my body didn't move as soon as my alarm went off at a time when no normal human being should be thinking of getting out of bed. But that wasn't the case for me considering the flight we all had to catch was at seven am sharp.

Soft muffles formed in my throat and they escaped from my lips while my body stirred around in the white sheets I called mine for a week. My heart was sad as the thoughts of leaving settled within my mind although excitement built up in me at the idea of finally being able to go home.

The alarm on my phone went off again which made me realise it had been five minutes since my deathly awakening. I specifically made sure to set alarms for every five minutes from the first one in case sleep takes over me and my body and mind shuts off again.

With my right hand, I threw my duvet to the side and as I rolled out of bed I took my phone off of the charger and made my way in the bathroom. While I was on the toilet, I turned off my clock and looked through the notifications which were piling up on the screen of my phone.

After I brushed my teeth and all my necessities were packed away in my little bag I took my things out and dropped it on the bed. The curtains were pulled in thanks to Harry who by the way fell asleep in his own bed once Mia came over last night to chat. Harry texted me at bang on four am where he said he had only just woken up since yesterday and that he's sorry. That made me chuckle because he had nothing to be sorry for but that's Harry for you.

I rubbed my eyes as I tried to get rid of my sleepiness. I had taken a look on my phone to check the time which showed it was my cue to get ready. Thankfully, my travel outfit didn't consist of much, basically a pair of leggings and a hoodie plus my sliders. I didn't want to wear much and wanted to be as comfortable as possible so I put on what I came in on the first day.

When I got everything together, including myself, I pulled my suitcase behind me with my teddy under my armpit. Harry told me he would come to my room once his luggage been taken to the car we're going to be travelling in to the airport to help me.

"Good morning," he told me when he arrived, his voice deep, eyes small, his face slightly puffy and his hair a complete mess. Even though he just rolled out of bed too he looked good, really good.

"Morning," I murmured as my eyes dropped down on his body and checked his outfit.

He had a pair of black jeans and boots on which I thought was insane because who the hell travels in jeans and boots? Apparently Harry. Then, he had an army green jumper on which said "obsession" on the front and that made him look so damn cuddly I wanted to go back in my room and just get under the sheets with him to snuggle.

"M'sorry I didn't come over last night," he told me while he put his arms around me and welcomed me in a hug. I needed that a lot. "Did you sleep well?" he asked me as he pressed a kiss on my head, my arms hugged his middle and he kept his arms linked around my neck. My teddy was pressed between our bodies and he didn't seem to mind.

To answer his question, I simply hummed and took a deep breath before I pulled away from him. It was slightly windy outside and chilly which thankfully didn't occur once while our stay and it just happened to be like this on the day we were leaving.

"You are so sleepy it's so adorable," he told me with a low chuckle, his words came out of his mouth like soft mumbles considering he was just as tired as I was. His compliment didn't even affect me, I needed more time to process what he had said and by the time that happened, we were already on our way to wherever the others were.

I hugged Mia when we got to the rest of the group, my chin rested on her shoulder as I leaned into her fully and a long sigh escaped my lips. My eyes were closed as my body weight was put on her and she kept me up until we had to get in the car. Her hand caressed my back up and down which felt good and almost made me fall asleep even though I was stood up.

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