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Carrington Hill

There were a lot of questions, I didn't even know where to start or what to say. So, Harry started it for me.

"Hey everyone," he waved in the camera as he leaned in the view. It was a weird set up really.

I had my phone against a bottle on the table, I was facing it with crossed legs. Harry was on my left so he had to lean in a bit to get in the camera, his right hand was behind me while he used his left one to wave with a grin on his lips. This of course caused the comment section to go mental, all I saw was 'DFHJDHFJDF' and 'JDHSJSDHSD HARRY' which made me sigh but also crack the tiniest smile.

It kind of made me feel gutted because I wanted to do this on my own, sort of. Like, I wanted this to be about me even though I love Harry and would give anything to him to make him happy. It's just, I wished that I could have done it for my following only as it had been a while since I properly done something like a livestream.

"What shirt are you wearing Carrington?" Harry asked and I looked at him confused. His eyes were focused on my top but when he realised I looked down at him, he lifted his gaze and smiled at me. "That was one of the questions."

"Oh," I said quietly. "Um, it's just uh, a plain white one," I replied as I left out the fact that it was Harry's. He knew it though and smirked then winked at me before turned back to the camera.

"Next question. Carrington, when is your next competition? I would love to try and go to see you in action babe. Oh, hey, why she calling you babe? I'm the only one who can call you babe!"

That one made me laugh. I put my hand on his cheek and turned his face away from me as he chuckled.

"Um, I have no idea when it's going to be but you guys will probably know because my Snapchat will be full of funny snaps of Alex," I chuckled and I saw Harry smiling in the camera as well.

A ton of questions were thrown at Harry but he seemed to ignore them. He picked out the ones that were aimed at me then read them out and looked at me as he waited for me to answer. Every single time he did that I felt my heart warm up a little more with each question at how sweet he was.

"Carrington, can you please post more selfies on your Instagram? We miss your gorgeous face," he read it out again. "Aww, that's so nice guys. Compliment her more please, she deserves that."

"Stop," I giggled as I leaned forward and took my phone off the table and held it in my hands instead. My back was against the couch and Harry leaned his head on my shoulder which made me smile. "Oh, here's a question for you, pal," I said as I saw his name pop up. "When is your next show? Is it gonna be for Gucci?"

"Um, no clue, my manager didn't let me know yet and I'm kind of on a holiday right now so work is not really on my mind at the moment," he replied.

"Nice answer," I patted his cheek lightly with my hand and he turned his head then pressed a kiss in my palm.

Too much affection – I thought.

Then I shrugged and let him do whatever.

Others shouldn't bother me because they will never know me and will never be a part of my life.

"Why's Harry using my girl as a personal pillow, does he even know how lucky he is," he read one comment out again which made me laugh as he brought my hand down to his lap and intertwined our fingers. It was now out of the camera. "One, she is my personal pillow so I can use her as one if I wish to. Two, I do know how lucky I am. I'm reminded of this every day that I get to spend in my penthouse with my Rolex around my wrist-, I'm kidding," he laughed out loud and I joined him because that was an amazing response.

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