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Harry Styles

Carrington ended up taking a pregnancy test for both of our peace of mind. The test came back negative which seemed to have put her out of her stressed state. I wouldn't have said the same for me but would have described my situation as kind of upset.

I was upset.

A family with Carrington was on top of my list therefore if she would have been pregnant, I would have been the happiest man alive. With her, it was very much like in the movies. The minute we met, something clicked in my brain and knew right away that she'd be mine one day and stay that way forever. She really was everything anyone could have ever looked for and she was my force to be reckoned with.

I guess her not being ready for a family yet was something that I should have seen coming way before the conversation even sparked up between us. Her career only just started to blossom, really. Sure, she had her name out there to an extent but that was simply as a dancer. Now she was a rather wanted teacher, too. On top of that, she was asked – on many occasions actually – to attend competitions and judge the dancers. According to her, that was a really important job and not many young dancers and teachers like herself got that opportunity.

I was truly proud of her. Everything she had achieved not just from the moment we had gotten together, but way before that too, was admirable. Personally, I never really took dancers seriously... well, their job. Which is ridiculous coming from me – a model. No one takes models seriously, either. Well, unless they are very well known because then they do get the respect we all deserve. Once I met Carrington, I came to the realisation that it was the exact same in her career, too.

Unless you had your name out there, you were not really important.

Now, seeing as she only just got to something good in her life, it wouldn't have made sense for her to stop and I had to understand that. And also wait for her to be ready for a baby. Forcing her into this was not something I ever planned on doing, I wanted this if she wanted it. Growing a family took two of us and nothing but pure happiness and excitement.

That was why house hunting was the right step for us.

"What did you really think of that house?" I questioned her once we got back in my car. We took my Mercedes this time, the one I got myself for my birthday, because I was getting the tires changed anyway to match the exterior of the car. As of then, the rims were just normal silver but I wanted them black.

Carrie let out a long hum which gave away the fact that she wasn't a fan. "I believe there are better houses."

"You're so hard to please," I teased her which resulted in a whack to my shoulder. It wasn't a strong punch because it wasn't meant to be. "What did you not like about it?"

"It just didn't feel right," she told me. That reasoning was for every place we went to see. Sure, they were gorgeous and I noticed my fiancé liking them but there wasn't a spark in her eyes when she looked around. She liked it because it wasn't ugly but she didn't like it enough to picture herself – us ­– living there. "What did you think?"

"I liked the heated pool outside a lot, actually," I told her one of my favourite things about the house. It was quite big. Five guest bedrooms with a bathroom to each plus the master with another bathroom was already a massive place to live in. The kitchen was double the size – if not triple – of the one we had right now, not to mention the double living room and there was also a three-door garage. That kind of would have been a problem for us, seeing as just I had four cars. "Space wise on the inside it was nice, quite big but it didn't really feel homey."

"I didn't think so," she commented. "I liked the kitchen because it was big but perhaps too big for two people."

"Reckon it was the size that made it feel so distant, no? Like, all the rooms were fine but I just felt like the downstairs living room was too wide and the ceilings were too high."

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