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Harry Styles

It was a nightmare to get out of the restaurant even with the two security guards – one was at the front and one was at the back. I mean there were not a lot of paps but there were enough for me to be pissed as soon as I sat in the car. The reason for this was simply the fact that they asked disrespectful questions and made nasty comments about Carrington and our relationship. They catcalled her and that left me fuming.

I had to stop off once we were a bit away from the restaurant because I couldn't see straight. Anger ran through my body and I was stiff while I kept my hands on the steering wheel. Although the roads were empty and we couldn't have crashed with another vehicle we still could have gotten in an accident and I was not going to put my girlfriend in any more danger than I probably already have.

"Hey," her soft voice caressed my ear like a beautifully written slow ballad and I sighed. I felt so much anger inside that I didn't know how to let it all out. My mind suddenly thought of the gym but there was no way I would have left Carrington on her own. "Take a deep breath, bub."

And I did what she told me to do. My eyes fluttered closed as my lungs got filled deeply and then I exhaled it. My nerves sort of chilled out and I didn't want to punch someone in the face but it still irritated me, just the simple thought, that they called her names and called after her.

"Okay now look at me and tell me what you're feeling because your silence is killing me," she spoke to me slowly and carefully, her hand rested on my thigh as she turned towards me. "Do you want to get out of the car for a little bit?" she asked me again after a few moments passed.

She wasn't pushing me to do things which I liked but at the same time she wanted me to open up and don't sit in silence. Which was again good. She was good with people even though she so strongly believed that she wasn't because she was an awkward mess.

"No," I said for the first time since we got in my Jaguar and we stopped. I didn't want to shut her out but I needed to deal with my thoughts before I did with anything else. "I'm good. Sort of. I'm just annoyed. You didn't deserve to be whistled at and you sure as hell didn't deserve to be called after. That's disgusting."

"I'm okay though, aren't I?" she asked me gently as I looked into her brown eyes. They held my gaze for a few seconds although it truly felt longer. "Sure it shocked me a little but they didn't call me anything I wasn't addressed with before."

"Our date was going alright. It seems as though we can never finish one normally. And that's annoying."

"It makes it special, don't it?" she chuckled as she spoke a tiny bit common. That made me smile and I sighed again. "Kisses?" she asked as she leaned forward, her lips puckered and I couldn't resist her.

My lips caught hers in a gentle kiss while one of her hands rested on my cheek and her thumb stroked my skin. I smiled which broke our contact, Carrington giggled and I kissed her cheek before I pulled away from her.

"I should have taken you home tonight," I remembered and I closed my eyes as I took a deep breath. "It totally slipped my mind."

"That's fine," she shrugged. "I texted my mum earlier because she asked when I'd be getting home so I told her you're taking me on a date. She was buzzing off her arse."

"I love your mum," I laughed and she rolled her eyes at me. Eloise was a funny woman, very lovely and kind. I felt relaxed and overall good when I was at the Hill house and I wouldn't have minded going back.

"She gets the L bomb before me," Carrington mumbled, her voice sarcastic as most of the times. "Are you good now, though?"

"I was good before."

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