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Harry's Prov

DADA class starts as normal like any other day well that's until Professor Snape walks in and uses his wand to shut all the windows making the room dark and pulls on a string that makes the projector TV roll down as he turns and faces us "Turn to page 394" he simply says. Everyone begins to open there books and turn the pages.

 "Excuse me sir, but where's Professor Lupin?" I ask scooting to the empty seat next to me "That's not really your concern Potter?" he starts walking to the back of the room "Your Professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394" he taps the projector twice and pictures begin to show up on the screen and I go back to the book turning to the page.

Ron flips through them lazily until Snape waves his wand that quickly flips all the pages in his book to the correct page "Werewolves?" Ron asks surprised "But sir, we've just started learning about red caps and hinky punks" I hear Hermione from an empty spot behind me.

"Were not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks" but I nearly jump completely out of my seat at the sudden sound of Caitlin's voice and to the fact that the once empty seat that was next to me is not empty anymore, I look at Ron who's confused as I am "Quiet" Snape says "When did they come in? Did you see them come in?" Ron asks and I shrug. I don't remember seeing Caitlin or Hermione come in but yet here they are.

Caitlin's Prov

I sit in my spot next to Harry and get my Defence Against the Dark Arts book out and begin to turn to the assigned page " Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an animagus and a werewolf" Hermione and I put our hands up as he reaches the front again "No one. How disappointing" "Please sir" I put my hand down and look at Hermione as she answers.

"An animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice. With each full moon when he transforms he no longer remembers who he is, he'd kill his best friend if he were to cross his path. Furthermore a werewolf only responds to the call of its own kind"

 Draco howls as if to mock the lesson and I roll my eyes as I turn my head back to the front whilst his goons laugh. "Thank you Mr Malfoy" Snape then looks at Hermione and I have a feeling of what's about to happen " That is the second time you've spoken out of term Miss Granger. are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" I clutch a fist as I feel a bit of anger burn up inside me "He's got a point you know" Ron says and that does it, I stand up and slam my hands on the table.

"Are you incapable of restraining yourself in emotionally hurting the students or do you take pride in being a stuck up teacher who likes no other students except for the ones in your house specifically a white haired baboon that cries when a bird chirps a tune. You treat the Slytherins like their royalty and the rest of us like nothing and I'm sick of it, you may be a teacher but you certainly don't act like one"

 I then turn to Ron "And Ron. Hermione's your friend isn't she? Or do you just enjoy hurting people so much as he does. Because if you acted as though she was your friend then you would have stuck up for instead of hurting her." I turn back to Snape who looks taken back a little "Now you can give me the punishment to satisfy your day". 

Snape walks over to me and leans forward placing his hand on the desk as our eyes challenge each other. After a few seconds of silence Snape slowly raises a hand towards me and gently touches a piece of my hair and I don't know if it was my imagination or not but I could've sworn that his eyes softened a bit as he softly whispers a name.

 But I can't hear it and before I can confirm anything his face and expression was back to being stern and harden dropping a hand and quickly storming back towards the front "10 points from Gryffindor" I touch the spot where Professor Snape hand had just touched my hair, I look at my hair then at him as I sit back in my seat confused on what just happened.

Harry Potter : Years 1-7 Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now