T W E N T Y - S E V E N - T E R R I R U S S E L L

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Broken hearts, sour butts that could've walked out any chance, but stayed because they truly cared—we weep through the days and the nights; I wished that this was a dream, but dreams come true as well, so I don't know how to think about it honestly.

Because she barely knew a large amount of people, there weren't that many that came.

There were plenty at the wedding but not that many at the funeral—that shows you how people really are and who really cares for you.

My husband stood up at the podium, looking at our daughter's lifeless body. He was so emotional, it was sad seeing the love of my life hurt over something like this. I was hurt as well, but he was hurt the most about it.

Our daughter dressed in her favorite color, pink. She wasn't an ordinary child—she wasn't perfect, that's what made our daughter so different than the pact of wolves that everybody are used to seeing each and every day.

Joan was right beside me with her children saddened for the loss of my daughter.

  They loved and treated her as if she was one of their own. That's how good of people they were to her—never rude or dishonest to her, but nice, genuine, and sincere.

Everyone was mourning the loss of this special girl; she was something special to all of us.

Although she thought we didn't care about her or didn't love her as much, we really did.

  Her mind was twisted and she had others twist her mind as well—that's why she wasn't there with us now.

Claire was the only one that didn't show up—she kept Amara, staying over at our house for a few weeks until things cool down or simmer.

Was the love of her life their? Was her best friend since school there? The answer to BOTH of those questions were the same—no.

Neither Clarence NOR Michael showed up at Abigale's funeral. We didn't see them anywhere.

How does it look for a widow to NOT show up at his own wife's wedding when he was the ONE to make the tough decision?

Michael and Clarence were nowhere to be found.

The weird thing about it was when we were cleaning out Abigale's house, there were no belongings of Clarence's—the house was the same as it was when we visited, searching for our daughter.

At the same time during Clarence's disappearance, Michael and his girlfriend—and her child were no longer living in Atlanta. They all were gone—they disappeared out of nowhere. Where could they go?

ImperfectTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang