T W E L V E - L A W R E N C E M U L L I N S

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  I held her hand tightly, we were forever going to be together, this wedding was just making it official.

    Both Abigale and I sought at our table, eating our cake as a happy, married couple. We were so in love, we were so happy, we were all over each other.

    "Congratulations on the wedding, Lawrence." Rachel came over to talk.

    "Thank you..." I shook her hand as she was accompanied by a man with darker hair.

    "And you must be Abigale," Rachel reached to shake Abigale's hand, "it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

    "Who are you?" my wife smiled as she shook Rachel's hand.

    "I'm Rachel," she smiled as she leaned over to the man that she was with, "your husband's one night stand when you two were still together."

  Why would Rachel bring something like that up at MY wedding, at my WIFE'S wedding, at OUR wedding?

  All of that was uncalled for... and to add on, Abigale and I were split during the time that me and Rachel slept with each other...

    "What..." she said confused and sadly heartbroken.

    Abigale couldn't even look at me, not even Rachel or the guy that she was with.

    "Yeah, but you can keep him," she laughed as she held on to the man beside her, "I need more than five inches to control and handle my body."

    The man beside her, joked and laughed along with her.

  "Bro," he added on, "you need to kill yourself. No woman wants something as small as that. She probably doesn't even want it. She probably even feels bad for a loser like you..."

    "You two need to leave, NOW!" Abigale screamed out, allowing everyone to hear it.

    "Excuse me," Rachel asked, shocked at Abigale's anger, "what did I do wrong?"

    "This was a special moment for me and I don't want it to be messed up over a stupid, petty argument..." my wife revealed to her.

    "Your newly husband didn't tell you about our recent sex when he was staying with his parents," the instigating woman asked, "how would I know that he was only five inches?"

    My wife's mouth quivered with silence. It seemed as if she was debating on whether the accusations that Rachel was saying were real or not; not believing her ears, wondering if they were lies.

    "I need a moment," my wife croaked mid-sentence in the conversation as she got up from her seat, "just leave me be... all of you..."

    She walked off, silently, walking out of the room filled with our family.

    A guest followed her, but I had no idea who it was.

    Mason, got up from his table, assuming to help me kick Rachel and the guy that she was with out.

    I grabbed the guy by his suit, "You and Rachel need to leave now."

    "I'm not leaving," the guy pushed me on the table and continued to hold Rachel's waist, "not until my baby wants to."

    Mason touched the guy on the shoulder as I was getting up from on top of the table.

    "Follow me," Mason said calmly, "I don't want no altercations to happen on my sister's special day..."

    "Mason..." a voice from a far table gasped in shock.

    Getting up from the table was the woman who I will stick with calling 'Kelsie', who was in shock to see him.

    Mason took his eye off of Rachel and her guy for a moment and looked at his sister.

  He smiled at her; a tear came from his face. It seemed like it's been awhile since he saw Abigale and Kelsie, but why?

    Rachel's acquaintance grabbed Mason and punched in the face, with both of them falling on the floor.

    I ran towards him, charging him, punching him in the face many times.

    "Don't you dare punch my brother!" I screamed as I got on top of him, continuing to punch him.

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