T W E N T Y - F O U R - M I C H A E L P A L S B Y

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A restaurant seems like a great setting to meet Abigale, to see how she was doing.

I watched as I saw her big body approaching my table. She looked as she saw that I wasn't alone.

"What's she doing here?" she asked me while she stared at the mother of my child.

I looked at my girlfriend as she was holding her baby in her arms, avoiding any verbal altercation with Abigale.

"Isn't it too early for you to have your child out and about?" Abigale continued to question my girlfriend as if she was interrogating her.

"She has no problems with you Abigale," I told her as I rubbed my girlfriend's back, "I just wanted to see how you was doing and how the marriage was going?"

"It's going quite well," she admitted as she continued to stare Rachel down, "everything is fine... why is she here—I thought it was just supposed to be the two of us?"

I shook my head, being stressed over the petty drama that Abby could not let go that she had with Rachel—she changed, she isn't the same woman that she used to be when she was with her ex.

"Abigale," the mother of my child talked to her, "I have no ill thing to say about you. For everything that I've done to you and Lawrence in the past—I truly apologize for all my wrongdoings; it was petty and the nonsense wasn't called for, so I am sorry for how I treated you and for what I did to you."

I smiled at my girlfriend, giving her a kiss on the lips as Abigale watched us—disgusted.

"If you say so..." Abby said.

I could tell when Abigale didn't believe something—it was written all over her face; she still disliked my girlfriend, but she just didn't say anything. She probably left it alone just because I was dating her and that I was so in love with her.

"How is your relationship—your marriage going with Clarence?" I asked her, making sure if she was alright—perfectly fine.

"Everything is going good," she explained, "my marriage was going good. My man is very supportive of me."

"And your family STILL doesn't know that you are remarried again?" I asked her, curious.

"Yes," she explained, "they don't need to know everything that goes on in my life. My life is private—my life is my life."

"Well why be so secretive over it if it's just your life and your decisions?" Rachel asked her.

Abigale ignored her, rolling her eyes—giving it away that she truly hates Rachel with a passion.

Getting the hint that Abigale still doesn't like her, my girlfriend tried harder to make friends with her, by asking, "You know Lawrence's birthday is coming up right?"

"I was his wife," Abigale viciously responded to Rachel with a stern look, "what do think—of course I would know Lawrence's OWN BIRTHDAY."

Rachel stood silent, paying close attention to her baby, rocking him so gently—giving me all the power, to speak to her.

"Please don't get smart with my girlfriend, Abby," I said to her softly, "she was just trying to be nice and start a conversation with you. There is no reason for the toughness and the rudeness toward her."

"Then she should just stay out of my damn business." she responded, continuing to look at Rachel.

"It's alright," she told me, "it's probably just her hormones acting up—I understand..."

"It's not the hormones baby..." Abigale laughed viciously at my woman.

I stood up from the table, holding my girlfriend's arm as she stood up with our baby in her arms.

"It was nice meeting you Abby," I told her, "I hope you have a wonderful life."

Rachel and I removed ourselves from the table, leaving the pregnant Abigale alone to sit there and think about what made us walk away from her—it was her attitude and rudeness towards my baby's mother; I wasn't going to have that.

We might've been friends, but she must understand that she can't be rude to the woman that I really love—I wasn't like that with her and Lawrence. I'm not even like that with her and Clarence.

ImperfectDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora