E I G H T - A B I G A L E R U S S E L L

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I was wide awake, not too tired to sleep. Beside me was Lawrence who slept peacefully and shirtless. I rubbed his chest, but he didn't feel a thing.

Smiling while looking at him, I thought again, how could I be so lucky? We were given a second chance. He was really my perfect guy, my true love.

I got up from the bed and went downstairs.

Lawrence dropped a really huge bomb on me at the last minute, so now I have to call everyone that I know that I've invited to the wedding, which was supposed to be September 24th of 2019, but now it's changed...

Knowing that my father is easily wakened up by any sound, I decided to call him tonight.

By the second ring, he answered with a sleepily voice.

"Daddy," I said innocently, "are you awake?"

"Now I am," he said blowing his breath, "what are you doing up this late?"

"Because I knew you would answer. I knew mama wouldn't hear anything in her sleep..."

"What do you want, princess?" he asked; I'm assuming he was rubbing his eyes, because it seemed like it over the phone.

"Lawrence and I decided to move the wedding up due to his mother being sick. He wants her to be able to see him get married, so he wasn't taking any chances."

"When is the wedding, sweetheart?" Dad tiredly asked with a yawn.

"It'll be January 26th," I said, "a few weeks away..."

"And everything will be ready by then?" My dad asked, knowing that that was not that far away...

"I know it's early dad, but we don't know if Lawrence's mom will make it further than that date..."

He blew his breath, both from being tired and from this conversation, which I knew was giving him a headache.

"We'll be there sweetheart," he said, "and I'm still the father of the bride."

"Of course you are daddy, that will never change." I smiled at him.

We both ended the phone call with goodnights and love yous.

As I hung the phone up, I heard footsteps walking downstairs. Shockingly, it was Maggie herself.

"What are you doing up, Mrs. Mullins?" I asked her.

"I couldn't sleep..." she said, coming into the dining room with me, "what are you doing up this late?"

"I was just informing my parents that we've changed our wedding date to this year in a few weeks."

"Thank you again for that," Maggie appreciated me while sitting down right beside me at the table, "it really means a lot that you and my son are doing this for me."

"I'm not doing this for you," I said looking at her confused, "I'm doing this for Lawrence only..."

"Are you okay?" Maggie asked me generously.

"You know what," I said letting it go, "yes, I'm okay."

I got up from the table, heading towards upstairs, watching Maggie as she sought there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

"Goodnight Mrs. Mullins," I said to her with a smile, "sweet dreams..."

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