S E V E N - A B I G A L E R U S S E L L

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  Her questions were blocked from my mind, purposely... I just didn't want to be bothered by her interrogating questions, I just wanted to ignore them, ignore them all, ignore the people.

  Rising up from the living couch, walking over to the window, I watched the outside light shine on the morning, wet grass.

  Soon after, I heard the breath of trying to rise from the couch, the breathing, human being came walking towards me.

  Me eyes rolled, not really wanting to be bothered by anymore questions.

  "Are you ever going back home?" A question my mother asked me that I tried to block out, but couldn't.

  "Yeah, soon," I said, turning towards my mother with a smile, "I'll be out of you and dad's hair. You don't have to worry about me overstaying my welcome."

  "No... that's not it--." My mom tried explaining, but I knew exactly what she meant.

  "No need to explain, mama," I went on, "you won't have to have to worry about me being here. I'll be out tomorrow."

  "Can we just talk for a little," she said, returning to the couch, sitting down, "I don't want you to be upset with us."

  Obeying her, I sought on the couch, looking directly at her face.

  "So, what do you want to have a conversation about?" I asked her.

  "What's on your mind? How are you feeling? You don't seem like yourself..."

  "I don't seem like myself," I questioned my mother, mocking her, "is that what you wanted to talk about? I am more myself than I've ever been. It was just hidden from what you and dad had taught me..."

  "If you don't want to hear me Abigale, then I just suggest you leave," my mother said to me, "I don't want to make you more upset than you already are."

  "I leave tonight," I said with an emotionless face, not really caring at all anymore, "I don't want to cause any problems with this 'family' so I'll be on my way tonight..."

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