F O U R - R A C H E L B Y N E

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  His footsteps echoed on the steps as I watched him walk down very exhaustedly. I could see his pecks and hard nipples through the white t-shirt that he wore. His face lit up as he seen my face.

  "You remember Rachel from high school, don't you?" Lawrence's mother asked him.

  "Of course I do," he said with a big smile, "why wouldn't I miss--I mean remember Rachel?"

  That slip up made me blush, terribly. Did he really mean that? Did he really miss me? Did he really miss me like how I missed him?

  "How long has it been Lawrence?" I asked my childhood crush as I hugged him tightly.

  He squeezed my body back tightly. Oh, how I missed the hugs he used to give me every morning after seeing me on my morning jogs. His teeth sparkled in my eyes after the hug was over.

  "It's been since high school." He said laughing with both of his hands behind his back.

  "I can't believe it's been so long." I stated to him, not really knowing what else to say.

  Lawrence didn't really know what else to say as well.

  We both stood frozen like statues, or puzzled people.

  "Why don't you two go out for a walk or something?" Maggie asked us, helping both of us out a lot.

  "Yeah, yeah," quickly getting out of the trance, "why don't we go to the old playground where we used to play when we were little? Do you decline this request?"

  Lawrence looked at me with his charming smile, "Why would I decline a request from you? Of course I'll go."

  I was relieved that he didn't decline. I was more than happy, I was overly-excited by going on this little "date" with Lawrence, thanks to Maggie for contacting me and kind of setting it up without a struggle to bribe me, because I had a crush on Lawrence ever since ninth grade.

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