T W O - L A W R E N C E M U L L I N S

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Bright day it seemed. No chances of showers; the days seemed to go by slowly.

My beautiful woman left out of the car, leaving me inside to think about a few things.

From the past few days, my parents had a different attitude with Abigale.

  The bad part about that is that I don't know if I should be happy about that or be worried about it.

I didn't want to leave Abigale waiting too long, because it was her first time going into the grocery store and she didn't know where anything was located.

I quickly got out of the car to find her.

  In my mind, I thought that it would be hard to find Abigale, because the grocery store was more packed than it usually was.

Madly, it was easy to find her.

  "Madly", why was it "madly" easy?

"Be cautious," a female voice said on the intercom, "there is suspicious activity going on around aisle three."

I ran towards aisle three very quickly to see a woman, my fiancé, who was just normally shopping as any ordinary grocery shopper would do. There was NO suspicious activity going on.

After she heard the intercom, she was speechless. She dropped her cart of groceries on the sparkly floor.

"Babe," I said worriedly, "let's leave, we don't have to shop here anymore."

Abigale didn't say one word. The statement that the worker said on the intercom really got to her.

After the small cart that she held tightly with her grip fell on the floor, soon after, she fell as well.

I then realized that she wasn't speechless from the worker's statement, but she was bowled over because something wasn't going right with her.

Running to my collapsed fiancé, I began screaming for help.

Every single customer and employee surrounded the entry of the aisle and looked as a whole audience, but did nothing for the cause or help. The weird people watched as if it was a movie or a television soap opera or something.

"Why are you idiots just standing there," I said screaming at them while holding Abigale, "do something and stop acting like a damn thing didn't just happen a second ago!"

It seemed to me that I was just a brick wall to not only the customers, but the workers as well.

Whispers went around the group of people but NOT ONE action was made.

THESE people just stood there like fools and watched me holding my wife, crying for help...

They didn't care, they didn't want to care. The only thing these people were probably worried about would be their groceries that they were buying. We were just another helpless child or animal commercial that NO ONE would ever pay attention to or spend a penny on.

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