E L E V E N - R A C H E L B Y N E

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  It was closely to darkness outside and we were waiting on the bride.

  My bracelet that my boyfriend gave me glistened as it was the moonlight. My black dress turned down the pinky tone of this awful wedding color choice.

  My hot babe, John Hamilton, wore the same color as I did, but so much better. He had his hair jelled back as if he was from Jersey, but he wasn't from Jersey.

  From afar, I could see Lawrence waiting patiently. But, I was surprised that Lawrence asked me to the wedding without wanting an explanation on why I left that night.

  Honestly I was hesitant to showing up; but, I wanted to show my man off... the better man...

  "You ready for the show, babe?" I asked my boyfriend.

  "What's so important about it," he explained, "I don't even know why you wanted to go to your ex crush's wedding--your ex hookup, or whatever you want to call him... I'm your guy, not him."

  "There's nothing to be worried about John," I said to him, laying on his shoulder, "I will never leave you for him."

  "I know you want," he said, wrapping his arms around me, "I'm more handsome than he would ever be... and what kind of dude would wear pink at a wedding... or--or even have the wedding color pink?"

  "Right!" I laughed with John, agreeing with him.

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