S I X T E E N - J O A N M U L L I N S

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  There was more to his story, and I get why he didn't tell me the full story, because I was a complete stranger to him.

  But now, I'm glad that I could hear the whole story from my own ears.

Mason was perfect in his own way, just like his sisters were perfect in their own way.

"So," he explained more, "after I found out that the man that I thought was my father wasn't really my father, I talked to a friend who knows how to look up someone's history... he wouldn't tell me the names, but he found their addresses..."

"One was his mother," he went on, "but she didn't want to cooperate, so then I was given your address, his ex-wife..."

My eyes couldn't believe what the young man was saying. This was absolutely a shocker to me.

"Your father..." I staggered with my statement...

"What about my father," he anxiously wanted to know, "what happened between you and my father?"

I was nervous to tell him. I was shaking—the past came back to visit me.

"Your father..." I stumbled again...

"What about my father?" he asked, impatiently.

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