T H R E E - A B I G A L E R U S S E L L

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  I waited in the restaurant, waiting for my guest to meet me as I stood lonely, having no one to talk.

  I could hear the loud walks of a shoe, heading towards my way quickly. I looked behind my body and it was who I presumed it to be, Michael, a friend that I haven't seen in years.

Michael Palsby was one of those kids that wanted to be friends with everybody back in the day, but they didn't want to be friends with him. That's how we both got along, we were both outsiders that everyone loved picking on, because our imperfections showed very clearly than others.

"Back in town I see." Mikey said with a huge smile on his face.

A lot has changed with Michael since the last of what I've seen of him. He's not the "dorky" Mikey that I use to know.

"Look at you Mikey," I said smiling, shocked at his appearance, "what have you done with the old Mikey?"

"The old Mikey is still here darling," he said pointing at himself, "I just look different now."

Michael no longer wore glasses, or had bucked teeth as he did when he was younger.

  He really let go of the helmet haircut and got it shaved on the sides, kind of a "Mohawk" type of feel to it.

  His acne is no longer present on his face. Now, the only thing I want to know is the situation with his love life.

"So," I tried to ease in the question, "you have someone?"

"What do you mean by 'have someone'?" He said while looking at the restaurant menu.

"Your love life," I blurted out to him, "do you have someone in your love life?"

Without answering me, Michael pulled out his phone from his pocket, unlocking it.

"What are you doing?" I asked him impatiently, but he still didn't respond.

After taking about five seconds to unlock his phone, he began scrolling through what I presumed to be his camera roll.

After scrolling for four seconds, he finally gave me the phone to let me see on my own.

What I saw was nothing that I expected.

"Pure beauty, isn't she?" Michael asked me as I looked at the love interest in his life.

He wasn't wrong; she was a pure beauty, something that I thought he would never get, due to his past.

"I can't believe this," I said shockingly, "what about what happened in sixth grade? The incident that left you scarred?"

"I got over it," he said brushing it off, "things change over the years, and I was right."

I guess he found what he truly wanted, a dog...

A dog was something that I thought Mikey would never get.

As a child, Mikey was frightened by dogs after one attacked him in sixth grade. He was on his way home from school until a rabid dog attacked him and bit him on his ankle.

I never thought that he would love dogs after that, but I guess things change sometimes.

To be very honest, I thought he finally got a girlfriend or at least a fiancé, but I guess I was wrong about that. He's probably just taking his time.

You can't rush anything--not anything...

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