T W E N T Y - F O U R - A B I G A L E O T T O M

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Watching as my brother and sister left out the door, I slammed the door very aggressively—it was for sure shut—not saying goodbye to them or not looking out the window to see if they're watching my house.

I didn't care for them anymore. Once you question my life situations, I'm done with you.

  I've cut Claire out of my life before—I'll do it again. I don't have a problem doing it.

And now Mason wants to act like a "BROTHER"? He's known me for only a few months and now he wants to act protective over me? He needs to calm down and stay in his lane—he don't know the family that well; so I consider that he's not a part of this family YET; or, probably NEVER!

They judge me but I never judge them. If I was really a bitch, I would've stood out at my wedding, telling the cops that Claire's DAUGHTER killed her own father!

  Her daughter would've been took out of Claire's care—but, I didn't do that.

  I'm STILL considered the bitch in the family which I refuse not to be the bitch in the family.

They question me about my husband and my whereabouts when they don't know anything about us.

  Can they mind their own damn business and stay the hell out of mine?

My husband is not with me currently because he's back in Tennessee visiting his sister who just went through a serious trauma—she killed her husband in self-defense.

They should stay they hell out of my business and mind their own, because I don't come to their homes or place of work and interrogate them with twenty-one questions and more...

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