T W O - M A G G I E M U L L I N S

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I felt disrespected in my own home.

  Jeffrey understood my feelings, but not our son. Lawrence didn't seem to care about our feelings, not one bit.

  What happened to the son that we raised?

"Don't worry honeybun," Jeff said holding me tight, kissing my forehead, "I'll go out to the outhouse and fix it up."

I smiled at him as he left my side to go please me even more.

As Jeffrey went outside, Lawrence came downstairs to see me.

Oh, now he wants to think about his family's feelings...

"Mom, what's going on?" He asked me confused, which I didn't understand.

Really disappointed in his decisions and mistakes, I took my anger out on him by smacking him across his face.

His face knocked back, surprised at HIS mother's own actions, my actions. But, at that time, I wasn't his mother. I was just a complete stranger to him.

"You know what you did son," I went on ranting, "and make sure you tell that girl to clean up that mess that she made me do."

"What did I do wrong? Or more importantly, what did Abigale do wrong?" He went on asking me not having ONE clue why I was upset with him.

"The blindness in you needs adjustment," I went on telling him, shaking my head, "if you can't see it, you will never see it."

My husband interrupted our conversation with a smile as a signal.

"It's ready," he said while rubbing his nose, "it's all fixed up."

"What's going on?" My son looked at both of us confused.

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