F I F T E E N - J O A N M U L L I N S

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Cries filled the room, the mood was dull, the lightening was dull, and the room was half empty.

In the front row sought me, my children, Abigale, and my nephew Lawrence.

I called the trip to see my children's father's family short, because this was more important.

Maggie and I just got back on the same page and then this happens out of the blue.

  I sought on the brown bench inside of the church looking at the lifeless body of my sister up on the podium with her bed shield opened for everyone to see her body.

Looking over to my right, watching my nephew carefully, he rested his face on his wife's shoulder. He was upset; I understood that, because I was upset as well.

Abigale rubbed his hair as he cried into her shoulders, trying to comfort him. But little did she know, you can't comfort a person who just lost their parent.

"How did Aunt Maggie die, mom?" Melody asked me as she held on to my arm tightly.

"She couldn't take the pain anymore," I told her as a tear slowly came from my face, "she couldn't stand to be without her husband anymore. She missed him so much; she wanted to be with him. And, I guess God heard her cry and finally helped her. He brought her to her husband... He gave your aunt what she's been crying and begging for..."

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