T W O - J O A N M U L L I N S

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  It poured down heavily. I looked at the fogged window as my sister finally came downstairs to talk to me.

  "What took you so long," I asked her, "I was getting worried that Jeffrey might've murdered you up there."

  Maggie laughed at my joke and began to drink some tea that she had in her hand.

  The "girl" talks that we use to have when we were younger were everything. I missed them so much, I wish things were still the same like that, but things changed over the years.

  "It's hard," Maggie said to me, "really hard to open up to you after all that happened between us."

  "Don't speak on it dear," I said rubbing her knee, "it was in the past. Just forget about it and move on towards the future. Let's be blessed that we are still here and breathing, talking to each other."

  Maggie smiled at me and began to drink more of her tea.

  "Truths are hard to tell, truths are hard to handle, but should I accept the truth?" My little sister asked me.

  It was very hard to answer her question due to her NOT wanting to tell me all of the details due to our past.

  "Accepting is the key," I went on, "you must accept. Be on good terms with that person, or that situation and with god, even though how much it may bother you to handle and accept the dreadful truth."

  I really wanted Maggie to spit out what was going on with her, but it was hard to. She didn't fully trust me, so she just sought quickly.

  This made things very awkward for us. This even separated us even more...

  Speaking of good terms, I wished we could've just got back on good terms and talked like we use to, but I know my sister, it's hard for her to accept anything.

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