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A/N: Just so you know, this chapter's a bit longer that usual (over 3000 words to be exact 😅)

Hope you enjoy!

Annie awoke to her ears ringing loudly and pain running up and down her whole body, as if lightning was striking every single one of her limbs and nerves. She groaned, moving onto her right side, hoping that would make the pain go away somehow.

It didn't.

A cry fell from her lips as a terrible pain ripped its way through her side. It felt like someone had suddenly stuck a burning hot poker into her flesh. She then felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Take it easy, Annie! You'll hurt yourself! Again!"

The voice sounded familiar, yet it came out as slightly muffled. Despite the person's word of advice, the blonde slowly sat up, her side throbbing. She was biting down on her lip so hard she nearly drew blood. She carefully put a hand on her left side, and gasped quietly when she felt a long stretch of stitches making an almost perfectly straight line on her skin. It stung when she touched it.

"Take it easy, Annie" the voice said again in a much calmer manner. "You'll reopen your wounds if you keep moving so fast."

Annie groaned again, her hand rubbing the side of her head. Her vision slowly reappeared, seeing that it was Pieck who was next to her, one of her hands still delicately placed on her shoulder.

"P-Pieck?" she stammered, her voice throaty and dry. "Wh.......W-Where am I?"

"You're at a camp" the ravenette answered. "Zeke set it up. You're safe, so don't worry."

She then reached over to a table and grabbed a jug with what sounded like water splashing around inside. Annie found herself suddenly licking her lips.

"Drink up" Pieck said mockingly, like what a mother would say to her stubborn child. The blonde managed to frown playfully. Even when she was hurt, Pieck always found a way to make her feel better. She took the jug and let the cold liquid fall down her throat. It felt as if she hadn't had water in years, her throat feeling like sandpaper before the liquid came through. After drinking nearly half the jug, Pieck took it from her grasp and set it back down.


"Yeah?" she faced her blonde friend.

"What.....happened?" Annie massaged her head again, hoping it would make her stabbing headache go away. "I-I don't really remember."

"You were stabbed by Porco during the defence mission" Pieck replied sadly. "It was an accident, so don't get mad at him. He's already upset enough."

"Porco....s-stabbed me?" Annie asked. She was beyond confused. Everything that happened before she woke up was a giant blur. The only thing she did remember was going out the mission Pieck described.

"You passed out afterward" the black haired girl continued. "Porco brought you back. Reiner was there too, and he was with-"


The name fell from the blonde's lips quietly, just barely a whisper. It all suddenly came back to her like a rushing flood. She had found Mikasa in the woods- she was injured, an angry Porco standing over her, the sword inching closer to her chest. She was so vulnerable, so exposed. Annie remembered her body acting on it's own, then the sharp, searing pain that came afterward. She remembered seeing Mikasa's face; she was shocked, horrified and scared, tears running down her cheeks. Then the world around her went black.

"Where is she, Pieck?" Annie asked her friend urgently. "Is s-she okay?"

"She's alright, Annie. Her wound was treated, and she's asleep in her tent the last time I checked" the ravenette reassured her. "You saved her, Annie."

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