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Mikasa's stomach felt as if it had dropped all the ground. She kept on taking heavy breaths in the hope it would calm her nerves, and so far it was only working a little bit. Her whole lower body was already sore, having riding on horseback all day long, as she followed closely beside dozens of her fellow Sliver Corps soldiers. Like Hange has ordered, at dawn they prepared for the fight, and were currently marching towards the Royal Guard base. As nervous as she felt, Mikasa was impressed by how armed to the teeth they were; each soldier had their own bow with a quiver full of arrows, and thanks to the Werewolf army, they had additional spears and axes.

Mikasa suddenly felt her heart sink in her chest. Annie and the Werewolf army had split into two different directions a few hours ago, them being close enough to the base to start the first stages of the plan. If the ravenette could recall correctly, Annie was leading the group on the left, Zeke leading the one on the right. Mikasa knew that Annie was capable of leading them. She knew that better than anyone. But what worried her was that something could possibly go wrong, and that her whole plan could get her- and everyone else- killed. She tightly squeezed the reins, thinking back to that morning before they began marching.

Mikasa sat by herself on a rock, sharpening her sword. The smooth sharpening rock seemed to make her sword shine far better than it ever has, and the ravenette could tell most of the dullness had finally gone away. She smiled, impressed with her work, as she slowly slid the blade back into it's sheath.


She felt a familiar hand on her shoulder. Annie came out from behind her, her face ridden with what she could only guess as nervousness. She had quiver full of arrows and a bow sling over her shoulder, a dagger inside a sheath attached to the loop of her pants. She looked ready for battle, which made Mikasa feel more worried than she already was.

"It's time. Hange wants to move out in a few minutes" she said. Mikasa nodded slowly as she stood up.

"Right" she replied. The two girls stood across from each other for a few seconds. And as if they were reading each other's minds, (and oddly enough, Annie wasn't doing that) they both moved in and hugged each other tightly, neither one of them wanting to let go. The coming battle would determine Maria's fate, as well as their's, and even though they hated thinking about it, this may possibly be the last time they see each other. Maybe.

They pulled apart, Mikasa's arms resting against Annie's, neither one of them wanting to lose contact. Then, without giving the blonde a chance to think, Mikasa cupped her cheek and pulled Annie into a loving yet firm kiss. Annie's eyes widened for a second, and only a second, before she kissed back, holding the other girl closer. The blonde could feel the emotion behind the kiss; it was loving, yet filled with urgency.

"I want you to see the South" Mikasa breathed out after pulling away. Annie looked at her, an eyebrow raised.


"When this is all over.....I want you to come South with me. Just for a little while, a week at least. I could show you everything there, how beautiful it is" Mikasa explained. "I know you'd love it."

Annie couldn't help but smile, yet she felt tears begin to lurk near her eyes. She did want that. She'd never thought of it before, she's never been to the South. It would be amazing to see it, and with Mikasa by her side, it would make it even better.

"Yeah.....that sounds amazing" the blonde replied. "Although, I don't know how I'll manage in the weather" she laughed.

That caused Mikasa to giggle a little. "I'll get you some proper clothes. Besides, it isn't overly hot this time of year. We could go walking around the open fields, near this large river. It'll be fun."

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