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The remaining Sliver Corps had stationed their base camp in a forest right near the North-west border, just outside Dragon territory. The camp was medium sized, with several tents pitched around a main campfire. It wasn't the best kind of living conditions, but good enough for about 50 soldiers in counting.

"How long have you been here?" Mikasa asked Armin, as the patrol filed their way back to the camp.

"About three days or so" the blonde boy answered. "It took us about a week to get here. Turns out getting out of our own territory is a challenge" he chuckled.

"So there's only 50 of you?" Annie questioned.

"54 now, with you added in."

"I don't exactly like those odds."

"Indeed they aren't the best" Erwin, who was overhearing their conversation, added. "But everyone else remained loyal to Drago, it seems. So we'll have to make due."

Annie internal growled at the mention of that crazy man's name.

Once all the soldiers were settled into the camp, Hange led the four girls to two empty tents.

"These are the only two left, so I hope you don't mind sharing" she smiled gleefully.

"Not at all" Ymir winked Historia, causing the shorter blonde to blush slightly.

"Try to make yourselves at home, as much as you can. Erwin says we'll wait to talk to you for tomorrow morning."

All four nodded.

"Dinner's in 30 minutes. Rest up."

"Thanks, Hange" Mikasa smiled.

The brunette gave a thumbs up before she walked off towards the large fire in the middle of the camp, where all the soldiers had already begun to settle in.

"Hey, Annie" Ymir tugged on the blonde's hoodie before she could enter her tent. "Can I talk to you?"

Annie looked hesitant for a moment, then nodded. "Okay. Yeah, sure."

As Mikasa and Historia walked into the tents, Ymir and Annie walked into the woods, not far from the camp. They were completely alone, which what the freckled brunette was hoping for.

"What is it?" Annie asked.

"Are you sure about this?" Ymir questioned her. "I mean, it just feels to me that were walking into a trap. How do you know we can trust these people?"

The blonde knew what she was talking about; she knew that even as a young pup before the war, Ymir was hesitant about humans. She thought of them as unpredictable, and dangerous for that matter. Obviously, other than towards Historia and Mikasa, she feels the same way. And certainly the whole thing with Eren didn't help matters.

"I don't know if we can trust all of them. Obviously. But they're the only hope we have."

"Why don't we just go back to the pack, with the others? They can help us too you know."

Annie shook her head. "You know we can't do that. You were banished, remember? They'll kill you as soon as they see you."

Ymir grumbled and frowned.

"And besides, I've been gone for too long. They'll call me a deserter and I'll be killed too."

The brunette chuckled. "So we're both screwed if we go back?"


"And it's not like everyone here is up for us being here. Did you see some of the looks those soldiers gave us?"

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