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Mikasa awoke feeling warm. Not comfortably warm, but a lot warmer than she was before. She slowly opened her eyes, groaning in the process. Her head was throbbing, along with the rest of her body. She sat up as much as she could, the fogginess in her eyes beginning to fade away. She analyzed her surroundings and saw that she was in a small cave. The ground was made of smooth snow, the cave walls and ceiling coated with ice. The black haired girl was laying on a bed made of wood, a wool blanket draped over her. She glanced down at herself and saw that she was only wearing her white shirt and black pants. She saw her armor and sword laying next to her, the snow slowly drying off. She looked around and saw several items lying around; a straw pillow, a medium sized pile of clothing, a bow with a quiver of arrows, several bowls, plates, and other utensils. There was a small shelf nailed into the wall, with books stacked on top, along few other blankets scattered around. Mikasa noticed a tunnel to her far left, leading to the outside. She saw a small fireplace across from her, but there was someone kneeling in front of the fire. Their back was facing her, and the person seemed to be tending to a pot hung over the flames. The figure was of a girl, her light blonde hair tied up in a bun. Mikasa saw a dark blue hoodie and brown pants clinging to her small yet muscular frame.

"You're awake."

Mikasa jumped a little, startled. The girl turned and faced her, her crystal blue eyes looking right into hers. Several strands of her blonde hair were near her face, but what Mikasa noticed the most was the scar across her left eye. The girl walked over to her, and knelt down. Mikasa backed away a little, defensively.

"Don't worry" the girl said to her. "I'm not going to hurt you." She then handed Mikasa the bowl and the spoon. "Take this. It'll make you feel better."

Mikasa looked down at the bowl. There was some kind of liquid inside; it was slightly orange, with some green herbs floating around. Hot steam rose up. The black haired girl looked up at the blonde, then back down at the bowl, a rather concerned look on her face.

"I know, looks like shit. But it'll help. Trust me."

Mikasa looked at the girl again, before taking the bowl in her hands. It was warm, which instantly made her hands less numb. She hesitantly took a spoonful and slurped it down. The soup rolled down her throat, making her whole body feel warmer. She recognized the taste of basil and a hint of turkey. She swiftly chugged down the rest.

"I found you near the mountain pass" the blonde girl said. "I heard a loud scream, so I went to check it out. That's how I found you. I thought you were dead at first, until you woke up for a couple seconds. I brought you here when you passed out."

"So, what's your name?" she asked.

"M-Mikasa" the ravenette replied.

"I'm Annie."

The black haired girl furrowed her brows.

Why does her voice sound so....familiar?

Mikasa tried to move slightly, when pain suddenly shot through her veins. She let out a cry.

"Hold on there" Annie said, stopping Mikasa from moving any further. "You took quite a hit. Don't try to move."

Annie lifted the covers up, and Mikasa looked down at herself. Several bandages covered both her arms. She also saw that her ankle was wrapped up as well. Let's just say, that ankle was a lot bigger than the other. The black haired girl could see the massive amount of swelling.

"You broke your ankle on the way down. It'll be a few days until you'll be able to walk again" Annie stated.

Mikasa whined in pain, settling herself back down slightly. Great, now she was stuck in a cave with a complete stranger.

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now