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Annie could've sworn that for all her life that she's lived in the North, she's never seen it look this pretty.

Both her and Mikasa walked hand in hand, admiring the landscape around them, which seemed to be pulsing with life. The sun shone brighter than it ever had in years, and the sky was a bright, happy shade of blue, some puffy white clouds beginning to fill it up. Small birds with feathers painted amber-brown and dark blue flew overhead, their chirping melody filling the woods. Squirrels and rabbits ran by, some munching on small patches of green grass poking out near the tree trunks.

Mikasa took a deep breath in; it's been a long time since she's been able to take in fresh air, rather than inhaling the sharp, freezing wind that made your chest cold. She was also surprised by how warm it was; it felt more like a brisk fall day, rather than the below, below freezing temperatures she had gotten used to. The light jacket she had brought along with her was actually enough to keep her warm.

Annie also noticed the above-normal temperatures; she had rolled up her hoodie sleeves up her her elbows. To anyone else this would cause them to start shivering, but to Annie it felt like stepping into a cold house during a hot day.

"Wow" she heard Mikasa gasp. She looked over at the black haired girl, who had a bright smile on her face.

"What?" she said while chuckling.

Mikasa reached up and delicately touched a snow covered branch with her fingertips, some of the snowflakes falling slowly to the ground.

"I never knew that the North could be so......beautiful" she said, her eyes sparkling a little, causing the blonde's heart to skip a beat. She always got so easily trapped in those eyes.

"It has it's moments.....from time to time" Annie replied, smiling at the ravenette. She then heard her gasp again.

"Annie, look!" she exclaimed. Mikasa then rushed towards a spot on the ground, pulling Annie along with her.

"What is it?" the blonde asked.

Mikasa then went down on her knees, Annie following right behind. She then saw what she had gotten excited about; just at the base of a tree stump was a bunch of flowers, their bright purple surface standing out against the snow. Annie's nose picked up a scent radiating off of them. Lavender, maybe? She looked at Mikasa again and saw that her eyes were practically sparkling like stars.

"I didn't even know these could grow here...." she said lightly. She gently brushed one of the soft pedals with her hand. Annie, on the other hand, furrowed her brows in confusion. She kept looking at the flowers strangely, and eventually Mikasa noticed.


"Yeah?" The blonde looked up.

"Have you.....ever seen a flower before?"

The blonde looked back down at the plants, then slowly shook her head no.

"They never really grow out here....so I've never really gotten the chance to see one" she explained, scratching the side of her arm. "What....are they for?" she asked.


Annie stared down at the blooming flowers. "Why do you guys care about these things so much? It seems that you get so much value out of them. Why is that?"

Mikasa was surprised to say the least. But then she remembered that Annie didn't grow up where she did; they were born and lived in completely different worlds. No wonder the blonde was confused.

"Well...." she thought for a moment. "We use flowers because they're pretty, most of them anyway" she chuckled a bit. "They come in almost every color, and each of them give off a different smell. I've heard some people call them 'a true wonder of nature.' I can't say I don't agree with them."

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu