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The morning sun began to seep through the window of one of the many rooms in Trost Inn. Mikasa woke up, groaning quietly as the a gleam hit her in the eye. She sluggishly moved her face away from the sun's rays, only to discover that her head wasn't laying on a pillow, but on a certain blondes collarbone. The ravenette blushed at the sight of a sleeping Annie next to her, her strong arms around her waist similar to the night before. She remembered that after spending a half an hour watching the lights, they both headed to their room.

"Annie?" Mikasa asked, her voice noticeably tired. They both reached their small room around 2am; it had enough room for two beds, nothing more.

"Yes?" Annie replied.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

The blonde smiled. She hadn't been able to drop the smile all night. How could she, after everything?

"Sure. Of course."

After taking off their winter coats, both girls plopped into bed. Mikasa instantly pulled herself close to Annie's chest, enjoying the warmth radiating off of her. Annie put her arms around her, as she started running her fingers through her jet black hair.

"You're cold" the blonde stated, feeling the coldness coming from Mikasa's body. "We could've headed in early if you wanted."

"I know. But you'll warm me up, right?" Mikasa replied.

Annie raised an eyebrow. "You planned this, didn't you?"


The blonde sneered playfully. "Clever girl." Both giggled quietly.

After a while, both of them feel asleep, tangled in each other's limbs.

Mikasa found herself blushing again. She had to get used to this whole 'relationship' thing; after all, it was her first time.

Then, a thought crossed her mind. Moving her hand down slowly, she lifted up Annie's hoodie to reveal her stomach. Mikasa wanted to check on her wound. The stitches were gone (Annie had somehow found the time to removed them it seemed), and the gash was healing up nicely. It would be one nasty scar though.

Speaking of scars...

Mikasa just realized how beaten up Annie's stomach actually looked. More small scars were scattered around her abdomen. The ravenette also took the time to noticed that the blonde was actually rocking a six pack, a very good one at that. Very gently, Mikasa moved her pointer finger along the firm muscle.

They're as hard as stone...,she thought.

"What are you looking at?"

Mikasa yelped at the sudden voice. Annie opened her eyes, looking down at the girl who was stroking her stomach.

"Sorry, I was just..were you awake this whole time?"

"It's okay. I'm flattered that you like checking out my abs" Annie snickered, "and yes, I was."

The ravenette's face was as red as a tomato now.

"I was checking on your wound, dummy" Mikasa replied jokingly, playfully hitting the blonde's shoulder. Annie only chuckled.

"It's okay now. Those stitches felt weird removing them though" she said.

"When did you have time to do that?"

"While you and Historia were walking around town."

"You could've asked me to."

"I didn't want to trouble you."

The Soldier and the Werewolf (A Mikannie Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now